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I am writing this 5 minutes before our flight so, I better make this quick.

For the next performances, I will be making my own kind of special things like Special 7th cord

A special 7th cord is when your clothes change to a more kinda beautiful version, and will also change color. Like pink to purple for Aira

Then, there is something called multiplying is when the performer duplicates, and the duplicates are wearing most important prism stone clothes the performer ever wore. Like for Aira, her Premium Weddinf dress and stuff.

Then, Aira will have a special 7th cord when she can change her clothes, for each special jump she does. Example is Aira will wear Otoha's dress and suddenly does Otoha's best prism jump.

I'm gonna update soon, because I'm gonna write stories in the plane so bear with me


Pretty Rhythm: Rainbow Colors {COMPLETE}Where stories live. Discover now