First Example

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That boy with black long hair, that covers almost all of his face and forest green eyes. He is wearing a Skrillex shirt, gray skinny jeans, and black vans. His black and white checkerboard DC skateboard in his hands. He is walking towards his locker to put up his board, on his way some jock trips him. All of the jock friends are laughing at the cute skater boy in the floor. They are all laughing and praising about what he just did to the poor emo boy who is currently laying on the ground. If you look at all of the jocks friends you would say that they are all enjoying the show in front them, but truth be told not all of them were. What the rest of the jocks don't know is that the emo boy on the ground was in deed a "friend" with one of the boys who were all laughing at him.

Nathan's P.O.V

When i made sure that the close was clear, I went back to help Johnny like I always do. As usual he was covered in blood. When he saw me, his forest green eyes ook up at me with a mixture of hope, love, relief, and I believe a spark of anger. But I still couldn't help but think even when he is covered in blood he still manages to look lovely as always. I push that thought aside "there will be time for that later, right now I need to help my boyfriend." When I finally reach him I kissed him lightly on his soft plump lips, and help him to the bathroom. After I finally got him clean up he look at me. Every time he looks at me with those forest green eyes, I feel as if he is looking into my soul. When he look up at me he said too me "I love you so much Nathan, but I'm sorry baby but I can't do this anymore, I am through with this." when he said this too me I barely heard him, he was that quite that was unusal for his bubbly hyper active self. "Baby what do you mean "you can't do this anymore?" I said to him then in to responds he says to me with tears his beautiful eyes, "I don't mean our relationship but the beatings. What I don't understand is how you can mange watching somebody that you love get beaten every day!? I love you so much baby, but I'm going to end it all tonight. All the suffering and pain. Babe I thought you should know sense you are the only one who I truly love." I look at Johnny speechless. He had once said this too me but he didn't do it so why should I believe him now? So on this note I simple say to him "Okay baby, I know it is wrong of me to ask you too hide our relationship, but you don't have to go getting all dramatic on me." "I'm not being dramatic!! I am being dead serious!" Wanting to avoid an argument I said too him, "Okay, okay. I believe you, but please don't go and do it! I would miss you too much!" 

Johnny's P.O.V  

"Okay, okay. I believe you, but please don't go and do it! I would miss you too much!" Nathan said to me. Knowing Nate all too well, I knew he didn't believe me, so I just said to him "Okay, I won't do it babe." But I mumbled under my breath "Don't say I didn't warn you. I love you so much, I don't want to leave you, but I fear I have no other choice but to." I said this so quietly that he didn't even hear me. "I love you Nate" "I love you too Johnny"

"Nathan, baby I told you I was serious this time but you choose to ignore what I was saying. I told you my reason as too why I was going to do this but one reason I left out was, that there was some part of me that was scared to die, so I to you hoping you would know what I was telling you was in deeded the truth and that you would stop me... but you didn't. I love you baby so much that I couldn't stand to see you in pain every time you had to watch me get my ass kick, so it was either this or to break up with you. There was no way in hell I was going to do that to us. I just want you not I be in pain anymore. The pain that I go through daily, has gotten to the point were I couldn't take it anymore. I had ways to numb the pain, cutting was one. If I haven't meet you I would already be dead. You played a major role into taking  the pain away. I love you. Sorry for the pain I'm causing you right now. You will get through this. I just wish that you would have step in one of those times when Daren was beating the living shit out of me, instead of just standing their and watching. Mom and Dad, you saw me come home every day with some form of cuts, bruises, black eyes, and even broken bones, but you didn't even bother to help me out or ask what had happen to me. Why couldn't all you of you notice that I was depressed. You didn't even notice after my first suicide attempt. But oh well it's done now Why couldn't you accept my call. Good bye world. I love yall, bye."

This is half of what Johnnys parents read of his sucided note. They were confused and mad at themselves for not noticing what was going on with there son.

*Nathans P.O.V*

I went to Johnny's house the next day to see him. His parents might be assholes, but they keep our secret. Thank God. So if it wasn't for that i might have already gone crazy on there asses. When i started to get closer, I saw cops and ambulances at his house "Johnny" I thought to myself. Once I got there I ran up to Johnny's parents. They look like they have been crying. His dad just look at me and handed me a piece of paper, I saw Johnny's beautiful handwriting. "Nathan baby...." As I read his note I started to sob. I can't believe it my baby, my love, my other piece to my heart is gone. He was serious. Only if i listen to him, instead of thinking he wouldn't leave me alone. Instead I just stood there and watch, I didn't even bother to help him. He was right how could I have just stood there and watch the person I love get beat.

End of Nathans P.O.V

For this example, do you think Johnny would have a different ending if only Nate listen to him? What would you have done if you were in Nathans position. Would you just stand their and watch the person you love get beaten and not say a thing or do a thing to help the person you love hust because you don't want to mess up you're rep? To me I rather loose my reputation if it meant saving the person I love.

People always think it want matter if you try to help that it wont make a difference but it will. Its not just that. People can know that things are going on but just want do anything to stop it.

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