Chapter 1

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Pai felt the gentle touch of Sky's fingers running along his jaw line. His skin tingled as he traced the shape of his lips, and Pai tried not to laugh as he slowly opened his eyes. His heart fluttered as he looked down at the boy in his arms. 

Sky looked up and smiled. Even after three years, it was still achingly obvious how head-over-heels in love Prapai was. He felt his cheeks redden and he couldn't stop the smile that spread across his face as he looked into his boyfriend's honey-colored eyes. 

He still felt a bit euphoric from the night before, replaying it over in his head; walking in and seeing how spiffed up Sky looked for their date had left him completely speechless. His favorite scent wafted through the air as he rounded the corner to find Sky standing in the hallway, beaming. He had even put a purple handkerchief in the breast pocket; Prapai's favorite color. 

His breath caught as he watched Sky coming toward him, and he suddenly felt as if the whole world had stopped spinning. Like this was a dream, and he would wake up any second. 

"Are we ready to go?" Sky asked. Prapai opened his mouth to answer but couldn't get the words out. "P'Pai?" 

He was absolutely flustered, and the butterflies in his stomach were going crazy. All he had managed to get out was..."I shouldn't have bought you that suit."

"What's wrong?" Pai was making Sky self-conscious, which hadn't been his intent at all. He suddenly wished he could stuff those words back into his mouth.

"No...I look fine..." He was stammering, which made the situation worse. "I... want to take it off of you." He wanted to throw up. He had just dug his own grave in ten words or less. He stepped toward Sky, completely closing the gap between them, trying to show him that his words didn't match his feelings. 

Softly, and slowly, Prapai placed a kiss on Sky's lips. The room grew hazy as he breathed in the scent of Sky's cologne-the one he only wore because Pai liked it so much. He had put so much care into preparing for their evening together, but Prapai couldn't take it anymore. He pulled Sky closer, desperate to feel his lips again. Surprisingly, Sky reciprocated the kiss, responding just as passionately as Prapai. 

Pai pulled himself from his imagination. He knew he was smiling like an idiot, but he couldn't help the feelings Sky gave him. He was most happy when they were together, and he couldn't imagine wanting to wake up next to anyone else. 

"Did you sleep ok?" He asked. 

"I slept fine." Sky nodded. His stomach rumbled, and they both laughed. "I guess we forgot about dinner..."

After breakfast, as Prapai cleared the plates, he expected Sky to go take a shower and get ready for class. Sky's senior exam was that day and was making him a little anxious. Instead, Sky sauntered over to the couch and sat down, heaving a heavy sigh. 

"Are you ok?" Prapai sat down next to Sky and placed an arm around his shoulders. 

"Just a little nervous." Sky said, leaning into his boyfriend. 

"About the exam?" Prapai asked. Sky nodded. 

"Could we just sit here for a few minutes before I have to go?" Sky placed his head on Prapai's shoulder and looked up with his puppy dog eyes and Pai's heart clenched. "Please?"

Picking Up The Broken Pieces Part 2 (Prapai's Story)Where stories live. Discover now