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   With the attack last night I wasn't able to sleep anymore. The only thing on my mind was the phone call from Richie. Especially on Theo's phone, I felt like I couldn't trust him anymore. The attack happened too fast and I was sort of upset Ethan didn't call me back, just a simple text.

But here we were. It was officially a Monday morning and all of us were sitting down at the quad on a few of the benches, besides Mindy. I was clicking my pen before Ethan tapped me on the head to stop, seeing as I was laying down and my head was on his shoulder.

Well, I move my head away and pay attention to Mindy's speech. "Okay nerds listen up!" she claps, "As terrifying as this all is with a few of us almost getting killed last night, I finally get to redeem myself for calling the killers last time... it's fine".

I glance at Chad giving him a confused look, he did the same. On the other hand, Quinn wasn't paying attention as much, instead being on her phone the entire time we were out here.

"The way I see it, someone is out to see a sequel to the requel!" she says, in the slowest way possible for us to understand.

"Um" Anika interrupts as she raises her hand. "What's a requel?".

"Seriously?" I say, she gives me a faint smile. Oh she was really serious about the question.

Ethan chides in and says, "basically a movie that's kind of a reboot and a sequel at the same time, Anika". He smiles after his response.

"So..Stab 1 took place in woodsboro..stab 2 in college, huh. We never get a break do we" Sam sighs.

"Exactly!" Mindy beamed a little too much. She was excited to talk deeper into her rules speech. "Hero's are brought into a new town! New characters are around us who are suspicious!". She pointed at Ethan, Quinn, and Anika. He furrowed his eyebrows and mumbled a what to me. "I don't like this".

Mindy raised her hands up in the air, "we're in a franchise now! no one makes sequels anymore! We're not safe anymore guys, don't you understand that?".

"Kind of?" Tara questions.

"So you're saying any of us can... die?" Ethan panicked, he takes the pen out of my hand and begins to click it fast. "Am I... am I in the friend group? Am I one of the targets? Am I gonna die a virgin?".

Woah Ethan?

I gasp and look over at him and quickly cover my mouth. We seriously didn't need to know that fact. "Ethan I think that was best to keep to yourself".

"I'm serious!"—" am i the only virgin in this friend group?".

We all look at each other and back at Ethan. "I think you are dude" Chad spoke, he patted him on the shoulder and gave him a sorry look. He then looked at Tara and laughed a little.

Oh he was so clueless I kind of felt bad.

"That was a weird overshare" Mindy says, giving him a side eye. "That leads us to our three suspects! Ethan, the shy dorky guy no one suspects cause he's shy and dorky!".

Ethan? There's no way it's Ethan.

He looked taken back by the comment. "Okay wait, why am I on the suspect list? Just because I'm Chad's roommate?".

"Ethan...that didn't really help your case" I add. "These are always suspects...but im sure it's not you, it can't be you".

"Hm?" hummed Mindy, "Stells, how would you know that? Are you protecting his secret?".

 ✓ 𝒎𝒂𝒔𝒕𝒆𝒓𝒎𝒊𝒏𝒅 , ethan landryWhere stories live. Discover now