Love can be magic

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The doctors came in to the room
Doctor: youre a wake can you tell me your name
Violetta: my name is violetta Castilio
Doctor: good can you tel me what happend ?
Violetta: i wanted to tell someone that i can't forget about him because i love him so much and i need him to be right by my Side (leon smile was so big), so i was heading this way when a truck got out of a street where you may not drive and hit me Well actualy not me but my car after that everything went black
Doctor: okay so their are no problems with youre memory but we wantedt to do Some test to see if you are really okay verywhere
Violetta: that is fine by me
Doctor: okay then lets go, it was leon and francesca right (they nobb) Well after the test violetta needs to rest a sugest you come back Tomorrow ,okay?
Leon: yeah we will i just need to have one kiss for tonight
Violetta: who say's i want that (WoW he looked really serious) o com on i was joking
(They kissed it was sweet like a couple that Plays in a movie but they hurt fake coughing and stopped)
Fran: ehhhhmmm can i get one hugg for tonight
Violetta: i don't see why not (They hugg) okay i will see you Tomorrow
They were gone and the doctor was doing Some tests

me: good morning sweet heart (violetta wasn't opening her eye's and i started to panick and shake her body)
Violetta: LEONNNN i was sleeping
Me: sorry i was really scared again
Violetta: it doesn't matter,leon i came here to tell you that i though about everything that happend first i thought it was better to forget about my paste their because off my parents but i couldn't , it is just then i realised how much i loved you and how much i missed you and moste of all how much i need you, can we be togheter again
Me: no
Violetta: what but i though you loved m.....(i got cute of by leon)
Me: we are just not on a break anymore but we never broke up so we can't be togheter again ( i smiled )
Violetta hit me really hard: idiot you scared the crap out of me
Me: ouuuuuuuu that hurt
Violetta: yeah like i Care
I looked serious to her
Violetta: fine i am sorry but don't scare me like that ever again,okay
I nobbed my head
I lean in to kiss her and our lips touched each other it was magic perfect it headed up and i climmed on her bed on top off her and it was amazing but then ...............
?????: ehhhhmmm
Violetta: o hello doctor (she was blushing like crazy)
I got of violetta and stood by her Side
Doctor: so you are back togheter with him
Violetta nobbed
Doctor: that is great, Well i have your test back and al of the result came back positife that is why you can go home today but we are sending someone in to check up on you every day for at least four weeks
Violetta: thank you
Doctor: don't thank me violetta thank your self you are a real fighter
The doctor left
Violetta: so today i can go back to my hotel room i am so happy
Me: wow wow wow wow and wow you are going to stay with me and not in a hotel
Violetta: but mabye it is be............ ( me cute me of )
Me: you are staying with me and that is final
Violetta: but .......
Me: but nothing you are staying with me and do not even try to talk you ou of this because you can't
Violetta: leon i think.........( i cut her of AGAIN )
Me: you are going to my house even if i have to dragge you their and believe me i will
Violetta: fine
Me: i have a little call to make excuse me
I was about to leave when violetta hold my hand
Violetta: first i want a kiss
I kissed her and went to the hall

fran: hello francesca speaking
Me: hey sis
Fran: hey bro how is it going whit violetta ?
Me: that is why i called can you make a small party with our friends at my home
Fran: sure why ?
Me: well it is now 9 Am so i will keep her here until 2 then we are going to my home where you are waiting with our friends with a welcome home party for violetta
Fran: vio can go home that is great news i will finish the party before you come here with vio
Me: thank you love you bye
Fran: love you to see ya

I went back to the room and see that violetta is out of her bed
Violetta : before we are going to your house can we first get my stuff at the hotel
Me: sure
Violetta: good it is one hours driving to the hotel and 25 minutes back to your place
Me: okay lets go
Violetta: and i am gonna chance at the hotel and not at your house because i look hidious
Me: you look perfect but okay we also can eat at the hotel
Violetta: sure lets go

They signed the papers so violetta can go home they already went to the hotel and went to leon's house ( the outfit in the media is from violetta 😉)

Me: i will do your suitcases later come on lets get in Side so we can spend the day on the cough
Violetta: yeah sure it is your house 😉
Me: no babe now it is our house 😉😘 can i ask you one Question ?
Violetta: you just did 😂
Me:(sarcastic ) haha how funny
Violetta: alright shoot
Me: how do you do your hair like that?
Violetta: my mom was a hairdresser before she became a world famous singer she learnd me this but lets get inside your home
Me fake goughing: our home
I let violetta open the door we went in house
Our friends: WELCOME HOME

Sorry for the late update but i was really bissy this last day's but i updated let me now what you think in the comments en vote pleasss
Thank you

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