11| Chemistry Project

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"I know it's still early into the semester, but no matter, I am going to assign you all in groups of three to make a project about the periodic table." Mr. Dottore spoke to the class.

"Greatttt learning about elements is my specialty." you said sarcastically.

"Psh says the one who got a 70 on her test." Scaramouche nonchalantly blurted out.

"I wasn't talking to you." you glared at him.

"YOU should be paying attention, instead of talking to me." He pointed to Mr. Dottore with a smirk on his face. You rolled your eyes at him and divert your attention back to your chemistry teacher.

"I will be assigning your group two elements and be expecting a PowerPoint about what they do and etc." Mr. Dottore started showing examples how he wanted the PowerPoint to be and the presentation.

"Now, it is time to announce the groups."

One by one your classmates were picked into a group and the only ones who were still not chosen were you, Hu tao, Xiao, and Scaramouche.

You look at Hu tao and she gives you a thumbs up, while Xiao just gave you a small smile.

'Please, please, please place me into a group with Hu and Xiao.' You pleaded.

"Hu tao go to group 9, Xiao, Scaramouche, and Y/n you all are in group 10 and the elements you are assigned are CU and. AU. Class dismissed." With that Mr. Dottore walked out of the classroom.

You were shocked, that you couldn't help but put your head down at your table and close your eye's trying to believe that this was all a big misunderstanding. Until, you felt a tap on your shoulder and looked to your left to see Scaramouche smug smile.

"What do you want?" you asked him annoyed.

"Just wanted to warn you to not make a group chat about this project it won't be needed." And then he started gathered his things.

"Hey we need to make one in order to talk about the roles we are going to be in the project!?!?" You stood up and looked at him confused, while he just walked away and stick out his middle finger, walking out of the classroom.

You couldn't believe what you just witnessed, you were barely passing your chemistry class and this project would bump up your C to a B , but Scaramouche being stubborn and annoying left you stressed out.

You sat back down to your seat holding your head from the pain you were feeling and closed your eye's, hoping that the throbbing pain in your head would stop.

'Why does he act that way?'

'Can't he be a little bit compassionate?'

'I know what I did in the past must have annoyed him, but to go this far?'

'Do I really deserve this?'

In a blink of an eye, you saw yourself crying in an empty classroom that looked like your middle school class when you were a first year.

'huh? why am I crying?'

In an instance, you felt a hand on your shoulder and looked up to see Hu tao worried face and Xiao next to her holding out your school bag.

"Are you okay Y/N? What's going on?" Hu tao said in a worried tone. "Everything is fine Hu tao trust me!" You smiled at them and grabbed your bag from Xiao.

"You know you could tell us anything right?" She told you in hopes that you will open up about what's going on.

"Uhm I do have a question.." You looked away from them.

"Ask away Y/n." Xiao said in a comforting tone.

"By any chance... in our first year of middle school was I crying?" Before they could answer, the bell rang meaning that you three were late to your next class.

"SHITTT!! Forget I said anything I got to go! Text you later Xiao! By Hu tao!" You got up from your chair and dashed out to your next class, leaving a concerned Xiao and Hu tao.

"Do you think she is regaining her memories back from her first year?" Hu tao looked Xiao only to see him with a shocked expression to the point that his eyes were shaking.

"I-I hope not." He stuttered.

"Xiao you are my best buddy and so is Y/n, so it is only a matter of time that she knows the truth." she started walking out the the classroom leaving a terrified Xiao alone.

"She can't know about what happen, she absolutely cant! Fuck...."




Have you been behaving yourself lately?


The fuck?




It's a stupid question to answer Ei


Ah, so you have not been informed yet


Just spit it out


Well from what I know is that your dear friend from middle school

has been gaining some parts of her memories back and asking questions


And why does that matter?


Well, you and I both know what that means Scaramouche


I have nothing to say to you annoying bitch


Watch your tone young man if you don't want to get kicked out of my house again




I suggest that you start being nice to your friend if you don't want her

knowing about what happen in the past


or what you will text her about?




God you are annoying


well I am off to my duties

Please start treating the girl nicely, I don't want to deal with your emo state


Fuck off


Scaramouche threw himself onto his bed and grabbed one of his pillow and hugged it.

"What am I going to do?" He said outload hoping for an answer to appear in front of him.

"When did she start gaining her memories, she can't possibly be remembering." He then proceeded to throw his pillow across the room.

"Was it really my fault?"

Chemistry? Scaramouche x reader high school au Where stories live. Discover now