Dessert - SonAdow AU

412 18 324

Warnings: This chapter contains language, food, sexual themes, yaoi, and adult content.

Please be advised.

Thank you and enjoy, but not too much.

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Dear Shadow,

Thank you so much for volunteering to help with this year's White Day Party. Rouge told me you were excited to make one of your famous desserts. I told her that I wouldn't want to bother you since I didn't think this was your type of thing, but she insisted that you would be more than willing to help out. So I just wanted to thank you again.

I hope to see you at our White Day Party this year.


~Vanilla Rabbit

A red eye twitches in annoyance before the owner rereads the text message for the seventeenth time. It's already been eight minutes since Shadow had first received the text, but he's just trying to see if he can find any type of joking in here. A "psych, we're just playing, have a nice day" of any sort but he sees nothing. Nothing at all.

Red eyes close and another deep breath is taken before Shadow reads the text once more, determined to find the punchline to this bad joke.

Knock, knock, knock.

A black and red ear twitches as the kitchen door is knocked on but Shadow pays his unexpected visitor no mind. Whoever it is can go away. He has more pressing matters to tend to.

Keys are then inserted in the lock before the back door opens. The guest slips their shoes off, placing them on the side of the door before closing it. "Yo, you didn't answer the door."

Shadow merely grunts as he decides to put his phone down, finally coming to the conclusion that his best friend sucks for forcing him to do something he had no knowledge about whatsoever. The only reason he's not calling Vanilla to decline the entire thing is because, well, it's Vanilla. The woman is too sweet for her own good. Everyone and their mom would help her out if she ever needed it.

Red eyes finally look to his guest and he just stares at the blue hedgehog for a moment, getting a wave from the younger. He blinks once, and then twice before he rolls his eyes and starts heading towards the cupboards, getting the ingredients he needs for the simple dessert. He'll make it, but he's not going out of his way to do anything fancy. "What are you doing here?"

"Well," Sonic stretches his arms over his head before he heads over to the kitchen table, pulling out a chair. "-Rouge wanted me to make sure you were working on your dessert, so she gave me her keys here. Honestly," he sits down and places his chin on the back of his hand with a smile on his face. "-I didn't take you to be the baking type. Cooking? Yeah, but not the dessert type."

The ebony hedgehog just shakes his head as he pulls out the white cooking chocolate from the pantry. He then tosses it towards the younger before moving to grab the freeze dried strawberries.

Sonic catches the item before giving the elder hedgehog a questioning gaze. "What's this for?"

"Since I'm forced to do this stupid thing," Shadow closes the pantry and makes his way to the refrigerator. "-then you're helping out."

Sonic chuckles and places the chocolate on the table. "Woah, dude, I cook, not bake."

"We're not baking." Shadow takes out a carton of heavy cream and sets the two items on the table next to the chocolate. "Now hurry up and go wash your hands. I won't let you touch anything with those dirty mitts of your."

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