09 4 Years Ago

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The lights that were once colorful are all stuck on one color flickering red. And the furniture is flipped, the glass coffee table is shattered with drips of blood all over the shattered glass. Blood was on the window and part of the curtain was torn down. A big man laid on the ground with his body facing up to the ceiling. His eyes opened and his throat was slit. Multiple stabbings in his body.

"Y/n?" Sukuna called out for you as he was looking around for you. Please don't be dead, don't be dead. Please don't be dead. His thoughts were racing and his heart was beating fast. The room was small but right now to him it seems so big. But he heard soft cries and whimpers near where the window was. So he ran to it, opening them and seeing a bloody hand on the glass. But you were curled up in a ball. Your legs to your chest with your arms holding them close. Your hair was a mess.

-Two Hours Earlier-

Y/n's Pov:

As he climbed over your body you felt so weak like no strength was left in you. Squirming under him as he held you down. "Quit moving bitch." He seethed as you didn't stop but you couldn't keep going on. Finally stopping he chuckled. "Good now this shouldn't take long." His voice was creepy but his fingers started to grab your underwear. That made you fight off the fatigue as much as you could. You kicked him in the crotch and he winced falling back.

Getting up quickly you tried running to the door but you tripped on something. Falling down you can hear him getting up so you remove your heel pointing it to him. "You think a shoe will protect you?"

"It can do more than you think." You told him as you ran to him stabbing it into his arm. Pressing it against his arm holding it and he whimpered and shoved you off him you fell onto the glass coffee table making it shatter. Feeling the small shards dig into your skin made you tear up. "Please let me go." You cried as you got up limping to the window pounding onto the glass trying to break it so you can at least get somebody's attention. Your hands were bloody leaving marks on the windows.

"NO!" He shouted and threw you back onto another couch but this time you tried to climb over it but the couch just fell back. Giving him the opportunity to grab you and drag you to the couch he originally had you on. As you tried your best to do what you could to break away, nothing fazed him. Your aching body went on the couch and he began choking you. Making you kick and try to do whatever you could to him but it wasn't doing anything. Grabbing his face trying to dig your fingers in his eyes but he just lifted his head higher and all you can reach is his jaw. Choking for air you were beginning to see stars. But like some sort of sign there was a large glass shard close to you.

Without hesitation you grabbed it tightly and sliced it against his neck. His eyes went from anger to terrified and he let go of you. Coughing and holding your throat you fell off the couch crawling away from him. You watched as he went on the floor holding his neck as he was trying to breathe. Backing into the wall with your shaking body you watched as life leaves his eyes. Your lip quivers as he stopped moving and just how everything that happened. It brought back memories that you thought were gone. Sudden anger and sadness rushed through you. Grabbing your other heel you went over to him. "FUCK YOU!!" You angrily said but your voice was practically lost. From all of the screaming and crying and from him choking you.

Using whatever force you had you stabbed the heel into his body over and over and over and over. Crying as you did this. Mumbling curses and things you yourself couldn't even comprehend. Finally stopping yourself as your tears stopped. Throwing the shoe you stood up limping close to the window holding yourself as you looked at his lifeless body.

You began sniffling but they quickly turned into soft sobs. All of the cuts on your body and your throat hurt a lot. "I did it..." You began to slowly lower yourself on the ground hiding yourself behind the curtains that were torn down. "I did it again...It happened again." You bring your aching legs to your body as you dig your face into them.

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