Chapter 12

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Cleo's pov
While we waited for Edgar to wake up I got to know zoey and Claus "so you've know Edgar since you were how old?" Zoey asked "14, summer of 1987 to be exact" I say with a smile "what was he like back then?" Zoey asked. She seems to really look up to Him "he wasn't much different then he is now, to be honest it's one of the many things I love about him" I say and we see Edgar start to wake up "oh thank god your okay Eds" I say "did we get him? Did we get peter?" He asked. I looked at zoey "Claus found him but they ran into some trouble" zoey says "they had him tied to some twisted table kinda thing, pumping him full of drugs trying to keep him sedated" Claus says. I see Gwen look really worried so I gave her a comforting smile "what about your boss?" Edgar asked "some massive juganaught of a vampire got him, ripped his heart right out of his chest I got it on tape tho" Claus says. Edgar says he'd like to see that so I gather that he didn't like that guy very much, I see Gwen was still worried "hey Gwen relax we'll get him" I say trying to reassure her "she's right, it's not over yet" Edgar says then gets gets his gear and we all head inside to save peter. I didn't say that something about this felt wrong as if it was me I'd do the same thing "okay so here's the plan" Edgar says then he starts going over the plan and he takes a hold of my hand "you stay with them, in case something happens" he says "but I just got back Eds, I can't lose you again" I say softly holding back tears.

Edgar sighs and gently kissed the top of my head "don't worry I got this" he says and slowly he goes starts the plan but he's spotted and when he gets knocked down he drops the device he was gonna use and zoey goes to try and get it. I see that Edgar takes down the vampire that attacked him but there still the DJX to take care of "very creative frog" he says "but when it comes to killing I prefer more traditional methods, like inpalemet" he says then the two started to fight "fuck this" I say. Before I could be stopped I ran up to help Edgar and surprisingly without arguing he tossed me one of his swords and together we fight DJX. Just as I was about to swing and hit leg he gets me first and knocked me to the floor "just a shame you sided with frog, you had so much potential" X says and then he knocked down Edgar "you fought admirably but you were both doomed to fail from the start" X says with a glow. I just glared at him "I fought beside grate worries, learned battle techniques that can only be mastered over several life times" he says stepping closer.

He points his spear to be just above Edgar's chest "you know what the first rule of combat is?" He asked and I looked away thinking I was about to lose Edgar again this time for good "yea" I hear a voice I never thought I'd hear again say "don't monologue" Alan says and he hissed at X then started go fight him. That gave me and Edgar the chance to get up and get our weapons then join in the fight, god if felt good to be doing this with them again after all this time. I feel X's spear get my upper arm but I only winced a bit "Edgar" I hear zoey call as again X knocked me to the ground "would you please stop doing that!" I yelled as there was a beeping then several spikes immobilised X as Edgar and Alan walked up to Him. I started to get up "your right impalement is good" Edgar says "especially when you piece the heart" Alan adds on and all 3 of us pieced X's heart and he exploded "well that's one way to have a reunion" I jokes slightly getting small smiles off the brothers.

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