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It's been over 4 months since you have been back at obx (outer banks), nothing went well at home in obx, last time you recall being in obx everyone hated you.

You are a pouge, 1 year younger than the whole group, they all treat you like a baby and your  John b's sister, your father died at sea and you and John b are living alone at the chateau.

Jj- he is your best friend, he is nothing more than a friend, you think. He has always been there for you when you needed it but he has this thing where he has very strict rules, 1) no pouge on pouge making
2) do NOT talk or hang with kooks
3) no walking off at night without anyone knowing where your going
4) y/n is to be with someone at all costs

Kiara (kie)- kie is your best friend, there is not one thing you guys don't do together.

Pope- pope is the brains of the group he is smart and can see straight threw every lie you tell, he's like a lie detector.

Rafe- you and rafe walk past each other sometimes but you guys never got the chance to talk because jj and John b are always behind you, looking after you.

Recap, you snuck off one night to go to a kook party at sarah Cameron's house, sarah cameron invited you to, (yes your not ment to be near kooks but come on she's so sweet and kind) you get to the party and you get shit faced drunk with Sarah, Sarah then leaves to go with topper and you don't know where you are, you get a notification on your phone,

Jj- *where are you, get to the chateau NOW*
pope- *y/n where are you I'm worried, we are all worried*
John b- *y/n come home please*

You go to answer them but your phone dies, you stress out and then start asking people around for a phone charger, you bump into rafe, "y/n?" He says confused.

"I better go-" you say walking backwards slowly.

"no no what are you of all people doing here at a kook party?!" He says annoyed.

"first of all sarah invited me and second I need a phone charger do you have one?" You answer pissed off your still talking to him, 💭 jj will kill me if he catches me at a kook party, aspesually if I'm with rafe damn Cameron💭 you say in your head

"yes I have a charger follow me" he says as he leads you to his room, once you get to his room  he hands you the charger, "Are you ok? You look nervous or stressed" he says as his hand touches yours.

"uh- yeah I'm fine" you say nervously, 💭 why does he have to be so hot and off limits 💭

" you don't seem to be ok? Do you need to ly down?" He offers.

"uh yeah sure " you say as you ly down in his bed, you lay there in the bed, rafe has left, you eventually fall asleep.

30 mins later you wake up to loud music 💭 how is the party still on?!💭

you go down stairs and find alcohol on the table

💭 fuck this, pouges are already mad at me, I'm going to live my life how I want! Im going to get so shit faced💭

Thoughts go rushing through your head as you chug a bottle of whiskey, 10mins later you find your self very very drunk, you go to leave the party knowing drinking all that was a mistake but you can't even walk straight, you stumble into somone.

"oi! Watch it bitch!" You hear a manly voice say, you can't quite make out who it is your vision goes blurry and can't see who they are properly, "oh shit y/n what are you doing?! I thought you were asleep!" The man's voice says.

"oh your so muscly" you say as you feel his strong arms.

"y/n no, your drunk" the man says

💭oh shit- it's rafe💭

"uh sorry uhm I'm gonna go-" you mumble as you try walk straight out the door.

"no no y/n your not leaving you can't even make it out the door your staying the night here" rafe says.

"haha- no I'll be alright" you laugh awkwardly

"no y/n come here" he says as he pulls you up stairs.

"rafe your so hot you know that?" You find yourself saying,

"stop your drunk" rafe says, he signals you to lay on his bed, " I will sleep on the couch" he says,

"no stay with me" you demand,

"y/n no, your drunk and this is a mistake, you shouldn't be here" he says,

"oh ok, well can I ask you something" you say as you signal him to sit on the bed, he sits on the bed, he nods, you get up then sit on his lap, "why do you hate me?" You question.

"y/n stop-" he try's to say but you kiss him, he pushes away but then goes back in and kisses you back, all of a sudden you hear your name being called

"y/n?! Where are you Sarah said your up here!" It's a guys voice, you try to figure out who, but your mind is so attached to continue kissing rafe,

jj and pope walk in, "y/n?!?!" They both yell,

"pope- jj- it's not what it looks like- I swear" you say as they storm out of the room.

That was the last time you talked to them you moved away for 4 months and now you have to move back you have no where to go, you have lost all your money and you need to speak to speak to them.

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