5. Fuck.

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(Back at the party when everyone hears your scream)
"Holy shit some chick just got kidnapped!" Yells someone from the crowd, "y/n!!!!" Yells topper as he sees the car drive off, "that wasn't y/n she's back at the chateau" says John b to topper.

"wait y/n's alive?" Asks rafe, "ok ok everyone has lots of questions I'm going to start with no y/n isnt at the chateau she snuck out after you and your so called 'loyal' pouge group left her at the chateau alone to come to this party and rafe, y/n got back yesterday I saw her on her way here, she said she didn't want to see you" says topper, "I thought I saw her in the croud when jj was holding a fucking gun to my head!" Growls rafe.

"well I'm going after y/n if you guys want to keep standing here and arguing I'm going to save her" says jj while getting on his bike, rafe gets on his motorbike and drives to go find you, John b, kie, pope and Sarah get in the Twinkie and they all go searching for you.

(Back at Barry's)
"Please just let me out, rafe isn't my boyfriend and it's not my fault he owes you money" you beg, "y/n your joking right? When you were presumed dead rafe didn't give up on finding you he stole from me and spent 10k paying people to find you!" Yells Barry, you sit there in shock, you didn't realise rafe cared about you that much.

It's been 3 days and you haven't eaten, all Barry has been giving you is water, you tried escaping but failed and one of Barry's men punched you in the face so you have a big bruise on the side of your face. the pouges and rafe haven't stopped searching for you, Barry told you today he is going to pay rafe a little visit and he wants to film a video of you asking for the money back, *barry clicks start to the video and holds a gun to your head* "repeat after me, rafe give Barry his money, leave in a duffel bag next to the surf shack" Barry says, you are shaking with fear as you repeat what he said, "good girl" Barry says as he stops the video and leaves the house.

(Rafe and Barry's pov)
Barry pulls up to the Cameron's house "oi! Country club get your ass out here!!" Barry yells from the Front yard, rafe hears and runs down, "what Barry, I know I owe you the money but I don't have it at the moment I have more important things to do" says rafe, "like more important things than looking for y/n?" Questions Barry, "no I'm looking for her and I'm not going to stop" says rafe, "well here you go" Barry says as he shows rafe the video and clicks start. After watching the video, rafe storms back into the house, "FUCKKKKKK!!" Yells rafe as he punches a hole in the wall, barry leaves and rafe drives to the chateau.

(Your pov when barry left)
Once barry left you start screaming, Barry's men arnt working today because it's a Sunday, normally barry doesn't leave the house on a Sunday so that's why they arnt here, "HELLLPPP!!" You scream, a girl about the same age comes in "uh hello? I'm here to buy coke?" Says the young lady, "please help! Untie me" you beg, she unties you and you bolt out the Front door.

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