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Author's Note
Before anything else let's clear it out that it's an imaginative fictional story. Taekook are the main characters because I love them so much. If you happen to have read this fiction on instagram don't think I'm copying someone's work because that's not the case. Read the story before accusing or assuming that it's copied by me.

And it's a LGBT content so if you don't support it don't read it.

So here you all go enjoy reading


So now it's evening and Jungkook just came back from his office and he just entered his mansion while his parents were sitting in living area

Mom:kook you came

Dad: can't you see he is back what type of question is that

Jungkook just chuckled and sat on couch and lay down hat head in his mom's lop

Mom(smile):my kook is tired??


Dad: he is tired and can't you see by his face

Mom: shut up you just shut up old man

Dad(gasp): old man??look kook your mom is calling me old man do I look like old man to you??

JK:no dad you are soo handsome (bunny smile)

Jungkook's mom pushes JK's head away from her lap causing kook to fall down from the couch

JK:ahhh!! mom why??(sat on the floor)

Mom:cause you took that old man's side(roll her eyes)

JK:mom please not now I'm soo tired

Dad: aww!! Come here kook I will massage your head

Jungkook laid his head on his dad's lap and he was still sitting on the floor his dad started to massage his head while Jungkook close his eyes feeling soo good

JK:dad you have magic in your hands it feels soooo good

Mam:ok then I'm going to get your banana milk for you

JK: thank you so much mom

His mom goes to the kitchen to make banana milk for his son it's not like they don't have maids it's just that JK's mom loves to make food for his son

Dad:kook today you had a meeting with Kim company's CEO right??

JK:yess dad

Dad:how was it??

JK:it was good dod

Dad:how was Taehyung??

Jungkook opened his left eye and looked at his dad then again closed his eye

JK:why you ask about him??

Dad: it's just I'm missing him you know when I used to have meetings with tae you wouldn't believe how politely he talked with me...you know Jungkook tae and me used to play ludo after every meetings when I had with him and he always loose and Jimin and I used to tease him a lot an

JK:dad (annoyedly and sat straight and looked at his dad)

Dad:did my bunbun got jealous??

JK:no(look away with pout)

Dad: aishh kook

JK:......(no response)

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