Chapter 1

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It's sad how some brilliant people never get the stage to bring the best out of them. It's also sad that some of them never get recognised or appreciated by the society they live in. But it's really good for people like Volhosha. He wasn't born with any special talents. Even if he did, he never found them. He accepted his thoughts and justified them in the most ordinary way, by believing that these so called gifted people lacked some other qualities and are balanced in their abilities, that we are all born equal.

Despite he being calm, he never talked excessively. In fact recently he started to feel like he should react to people more. He remembered the unusual incident the other day, when he and his two friends, Davis and bojo were sharing the bread, when bojo suddenly got up and ran towards the bushes with his hands covering his mouth. They instantly figured out he was sick. Davis got up and ran after him to find out what happened or just because of basic human compassion, but volhosha didn't even move. He just ate a little faster. He noticed that most of the thoughts that came to his mind during that time just started with the word 'I'. He didn't like that word very much. He does talk a lot at times, times when he opens up to others. Everytime he uses the word 'I' excessively, the other just gets bored of him. They try to escape him, having known the true Volhosha, or feeling that they figured him out. It just means they lost early on, little Volhosha rarely says what he means. Or rather he doesn't really open up to them without him trusting them completely, without them surviving his boring phase. Ofcourse Volhosha doesn't know this, he just feels it. He is no mastermind, but a rather misunderstood lad.

Readers may think Volhosha was the only one of his kind in the town. But there is Zovan. They weren't same, but similar. They knew each other, but were never really friends until recently. Zovan unlike Volhosha was extremely smart. He understood science papers and used to explain it to Volhosha. He just listens, without uttering a word and that was enough for Zovan to get started. It was not what he said that kept Volhosha close to him, but the rare freedom of not having to talk endlessly or pretend to.
Zovan was infact similar to Volhosha in how he behaved to others. He never never stayed long enough to reveal himself except with Volhosha. What fascinated Volhosha was that eventhough most people were not really thrilled to talk to him and tried to leave him out, he never realised it. It almost everytime annoys Volhosha. He thought of it as degrading one's own worth and doing injustice to one's own self. Most of them felt comfortable talking to him alone but when they're in a group, he always comes out as awkward. He couldn't blame the others for trying to leave him out. Even Volhosha sometimes tried to avoid him in the past. It had something to do with how he talked, he would suddenly say something in a voice much higher than everyone else. It just makes everyone uncomfortable. And sometimes, he says something without respecting the other's opinion or worth. It's as if the world treats him just as he treats it. He just didn't realise that the world seldom treats one by what he truly is inside, but by what they see on the outside.

But something was different between the two, Zovan always treated Volhosha with utmost respect, one that he doesn't see in others. For times when Volhosha does speak a bit, he listens eagerly, as if analysing it word by word, thinks about it and then replies without trying to make him feel inferior. He asks him questions, ones that are almost always filled with curiosity and waits eagerly to hear how he answers them. The only fact being Zovan never waited for anyone except for Volhosha just to hear him talk.

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