Chapter 11

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Author: I'm back, and I'm emotionally scarred! Anyways let's go.

*a screen with the word "Yeagerists" pops up while SpongeBob music plays*


(I'm sorry.)

While Eren and the Scouts were fighting for their life's, elsewhere things were a lot more quiet.


(Adalhard's POV)

"The Military Police are considered to be the best of the best. They are some of the best soldiers humanity has to offer."

"Unfortunately, the reality is disappointing."

"They're nothing more than a bunch of drunk fools who do nothing but make people's life even more difficult. The fact they refuse to change their ways doesn't help."

"But today, they're actually doing something useful for a change. With reports that Titans have somehow breached Wall Rose, everyone was bracing themselves for the worst. Even I had to don ODM gear and prepare for battle. I don't even remember the last time I had to use one."

"However, I can't help but find this unbelievable. Perhaps someone or something managed to find a way to get Titans through the wall or worse...made more of them."

"It's unlikely, but given how we have a Titan fighting for us I believe anything is possible now."

Pyxis: You sure love going on about crazy theories.

Adalhard: Even so, you can't deny that there's a lot of mystery surrounding this breach. Surly you have at least some doubts too. How the hell did a bunch a Titans manage to breach the wall without any assistance? Someone or something must of helped them. If it wasn't the Armored or Colossal Titan...then what else could it be?

Pyxis: I suppose you raise a fair point, but let's worry about not dying first. Your theories will go to waste if you're dead.

Adalhard: Says to man who's lost count of his drinks.

We went back a forward for a while longer before our conversation was interrupted by Pyxis' assistant.

Anka: Drunk again commander? And you even made someone join you?

Adalhard: Better to deal with this drunken fool than the ones in the Military Police. At least he's fun to be around.

Anka: Are you kidding me? Are you drunk as well? I might have to put the both of you in diapers at this rate.

Adalhard: Oh don't worry. Unlike your commander, I know when I've enough drinks. (Also my wife would kill me if I had too many.)

Pyxis: That's enough banter for one day Able. Anyways what's the situation?

(FYI, Able is Adalhard's nickname.)

Anka: Well. Several patrols units were sent out, not many Titans between the first and second defensive lines, and the few that did pop up were far apart.

Well that's interesting and concerning. While I'm glad it's not as bad as I thought, it also makes this situation even more confusing. Perhaps there wasn't a breach after all.

Pyxis: *pulls out watch* If Hannes and the advance squad have followed the wall without incident, they should be back soon. It's a straightforward operation. About halfway, they would run into the unit from Krolva and turned back. It's safe to assume they ran into either a few or no Titans at all. If the Wall Rose was actually breached, then the sightings wouldn't be so random.

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