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After enjoying his break
Jungkook joined one of the best universities in the psychology department .
He was very enthusiastic about psychology as he always wants to read people's minds.

These days neither Jungkook nor Taehyung tried to call or even text each other leaving mindlink aside .

Jungkook was visibly changed, he started being more reserved.
His bratty side was long gone.

He entered the university hoping for the good and interesting days ahead .

After taking his classes schedule he walked towards to find the locker room.

Those corridors were huge and spacious feeling like he was a tiny being in the big world.

He can see the huge alphas and their beta friends... groups of female omegas and few alone people.

 groups of female omegas and few alone people

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Jk: excuse me... where can I find the locker room?

" What's your rank?"

Jk: A grade .

The boy laughed a bit.

" I mean alpha or beta?, I don't think you are an omega".

Jk: why so?

"We have different locker rooms here as the administration didn't want any chaos "

Jk: oh... strange.

"By the way I'm Louise... I'm a beta".

Jk: hi I'm Jungkook... I'm...I'm also a beta.

L: cool let's go... finding male omega is so rare...

Jk: huh?

L: I'm gay... I can't afford alpha male and beta never let their identity out...so I'm searching for male omega...

Jungkook chuckled.

L: by the way your scent is so cool....very light...

Jungkook scratched his nape nervously.

L: here ...this is our locker room...and classes will start in ten minutes...btw what's your first hour?

Jk: human development.

L: hahaha mine too... let's go.

Jungkook kept his things in his rack and locked it securely and walked towards his class with Louise.

The day was passing good he hat two lectures and have another after the break.

They both walked towards canteen where all the ranks were having their meals and chitchat.

L: since it's your first day and also we will be good friends from now... I'll buy your food and don't say no.

Jungkook showed his bunny smile which made the beta coo.

MY LITTLE OMEGA Where stories live. Discover now