Chapter 2 - Dream angel

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my best friend read this and apparently i have a few things to clear up if anyone cares Eli and Alie are not dating and the dream was about Eli so she goes to his house to visit him no she's not a stalker.


I woke up in a sweat breathing hard, the dream had been so real he'd been right there I laid back in my bed and ran my fingers through my hair my breathing slowed. I sat up swinging my legs over the side of my bed and walking over to the window i unlatched it and slid it open the cool air washing over my sticky skin I stood there for a moment wondering if I was really going to do this. I shook my head and slid the screen up i stepped onto the roof shivering as i felt the rain wet shingles under my barefoot i flapped my wings flying straight up at first then I felt for Eli's energy, once I located it I flew to his house landing on the small roof out side of his window. I put my hands up against the window and pushed up slowly thanking God that he didn't lock it I stepped into the messy room typical for a teenage boy. I walked over to the bed and looked at his face he was handsome his brown hair flopping over his eyes I reached out and moved it away he started to wake up i hesitated for a minuet wondering if I should go but hey why not have a little fun? He opened his eyes and saw me.

"This is a dream right?" he said putting his hands behind his head. I nodded. "So then the only question left is why are you in my dream and not my girlfriend?" I shrugged.

"It's your dream not mine." I told him, then he noticed my wings.

"New question why are you my angel." he asked his brow furrowing.

"Do you even remember my name?" I asked him.

"Alexsis. Right?" I nodded.

"Catch you later." I said climbing out his window and back into the air. I woke up to my phone ringing. "Hello?"

"Alexsis?" his voice made my heart beat faster.

"Eli you better have a good reason for calling me on a Saturday at... FIVE O'CLOCK!" I shrieked.

"Don't worry I do. You were in my dream." he said my heart started  beating even faster i thought he might hear it I struggled to make my voice sound casual.

"That isn't a good reason Eli." I told him. "It was probably your girlfriend okay now good night." I said hanging up and falling back to sleep once my heart had stopped racing.

Alexsis dream

"Alex. Alex babe wake up." he whispered in my ear.

"What?" I whined.

"Time to get up babe." he pulled me into a sitting position.

"Mhum hum." I pouted.

"C'mon babe." he said carrying me into the living room/kitchen of the cabin and sitting down on the couch with me on his lap. I burrowed into his chest. "Wake up angel." he said pulling my face out.

"Eli!" I whined. He brought his lips to mine silencing me.

"I Love you Alie." he whispered. And I felt my love for him.

End of dream

I woke up with a gasp the sun shining through the curtains covering my window my head pounding as it always did after I did anything phychic before getting some Advil I went over to Kate and held out my hand she gave me hers and I looked into our futures i saw all three of us and our humans on the road I let go of her hand and stumbled to the cupboard and took out the Advil.

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