Dont Blame me Love made Me Crazy and if Doesn't you ain't doing Right...

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3/4 if this one shot is going to be In Saphire's  p.o.v and mainly towards the end it will be Haren's ******************************************* Saphire:                                                                    I couldn't really believe what I was seeing with own eyes. In front of I was a watching a battle happen fire spreading monsters turning in dust as they are being slain explosions detonating the sound of swords clanging but really the only thing I had my eyes on in the battle was Haren...                                                                     it's been four years since I've last seen him when i joined my Mother's and her Hunters and Haren ended up in Camp Jupiter I heard he climed the ranks quickly with such great skill that he became Emperor along side Zara Di Angelo Solace and also the fact that he has a half-sister Silena Chase Jackson she's Praetor along side Jayden McLean who is also Praetor                                                              Anyways I'm getting off track Haren is badly wounded right now he has a large cut across his stomach because of a harsh blow he took while fighting the Nemian Lion. Artemis my Mother said "you can't intervene with these types of encounters I don't want you getting hurt"and all that but as I watching him he turned he heard a legionary call his name he turned for just a second and and cuz of that Nemian lion was about to kill Him!                 And in a spilt second decision I said "Fuck the dam rules I'm not letting him Die"                        I yelled "HAREN GET DOWN" instinctively he ducked down on the ground and i quickly notched three arrows at the beast two pierced it's eyes and the other straight through its heart and it fell backwards and let a great Roar and then just reduced to nothing but golden dust being left behind  and then I heard a voice call out to me a voice I've been yearning to hear for what felt like forever.                           "Saphire is that really you?" I turned to where I heard the source of the voice came from and I locked eyes with those loving electric blue eyes staring right back at me at the brink of tears falling down his face when he saw me "Yes Haren it's me it's been a while hasn't it.." he responded with running towards me engulfing into a bear hug and with the amount of force we both fell to ground laughing our lungs out it's been so long since I've felt this happy "I've missed you so much..." he mumbled while snuggling into the crook of my neck "I've missed you too.." i kissed his forehead then I helped him get up to sturdy himself  he let out a grunt and held his stomach I completely forgotten that his wound was still open  he was bleeding profusely and almost fell over on the ground but i caught him in time "Haren!" I yelled "I fine this isn't the worst blown I've taken..." he said giving me a weak smile "shh don't talk your only going to make the bleeding worse" he bobbing up and down going in and out of consciousness but just before he passed out I whispered "You'll be fine I promise Haren" he leaned his head against my chest he mumbled "I Love You Saphire.."and he was knocked out. "Love you too" and I sat there for a bit so what do I do now I thought while Haren was laying against my chest I looked at our surroundings an didn't see anybody "So I guess this means we're heading to Camp Jupiter well I can't waste any time Haren is still bleeding" and so I picked up Haren holding him bridal style and started walking towards camp  ********************************************time skip*                                                                 ******************************************** So after that confrontation with Terminus,he flipped his marbles yelling at me what the hell am I doing with their emperor, and explained the whole Delma. And let me pass to take him into the infirmary for treatment "The good thing I'm finally inside of Camp Jupiter but I don't have a clue would the infirmary be" I said to myself.                                                      Lares and campers were giving looks I mean I couldn't blame I was literally holding one of their emperors like if i was taking him home after the wedding party. I was walking for a bit till came up to a group of campers and I asked "excuse me do you know were the infirmary I'm not really familiar with the camp" I said in a rushed manner I'm not sure if they managed to catch what I asked them.   "Yes  you see the senate building left of that building is the 3rd cohort and right next to it is the infirmary"                                                                      I thanked the campers and went on my way, I push the door open and I faced no other than Zara who rules over Camp Jupiter alongside with Haren it looks like she was talking with Silena Harens sister. Silena noticed me first Zara confused turned to see what Silena was looking at and then noticed me and the both of them drew their swords and pointed both of the extremely sharp blades at my face Silena's Imperial gold sword with waves on the edges and trident on the middle of the Gladius. Then Zara's Stygian iron sword with the symbol of Pluto encrusted right in the middle of the blade hers radiated a purple aura while Silena's was blue with grey.                                                                         "Who you are and what is Haren doing with you while we have been trying to find him for hours now" Zara demanded " Yea sorry about let's just say that I'm a old "friend" of his and I bumped into him when he was fighting a monster" I said, while staring into Zara's brown eyes that almost seemed completely black and while being there I also explained to them that Haren passed out due to the wound he got on his stomach cause of the Nemian Lion and that's how Terminus let pass into camp.                               And so the healers that were present there and witnessed the confrontation took Haren out of my grasp and laid him down to clean up his wounds and while I was still in the infirmary i left him a note on the nightstand next to where he laid down still sleeping ever so soundly. I knew I couldn't stay any longer even if I wish I could had to go back the sun is setting my Mothers and the hunt will catch on that I'm missing I Kissed Haren on the lips knowing this is going to be last time I'll ever be able to kiss him again. I was about to leave through the front doors before I heard "wait where are you going to?" I turned to where the voice was coming from and it was Silena. "I have to head back to the hunt or they'll  start to worry we're I am" I said to her she looked at me intensely with those stunning stormy grey eyes analyzing me "I don't know why but you look familiar but I've never met you before?.." she said while still looking at me trying to piece together who i could possibly be I smirked " I think you might know who I am because I know your brother would definitely talk about me and our adventures when would travel together a couple years ago..." then I ran out the door and heard " Oh my Gods it can't be Your Saphire Nightshade- I smiled and made a run for it out of camp       " Till next time me meet again Haren my Love"....                                              ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••Haren:                                                                     I woke up I thought it was a dream but no it was actually real I saw Saphire again it's been years since I've seen her it's just lonely without her around. "argghh" I forgot I slash in my stomach by the Nemian lion now that I wasn't thinking about how long have been out I looked outside the window its morning-                 " Morning Haren how does your stomach feel you okay" I turned and saw Zara drink a glass of water while my sister was still sleeping with a book covering her face she must of fell asleep while reading I thought.                                             " I'm fine just that I forgot that I'm wounded that's all -wait Zara do you know who..wait how did I even get to the infirmary?" " Um you being carried bridal style buy a girl with silver eyes and auburn with streaks of black hair and she said she was and "old friend" Of yours and that she bumped into you while fighting a monster " I smiled "my dear Zara that girl that was carrying me bridal style is non other than The Saphire Nightshade " she looked at me with wide eyes of realization" dam it I knew I had i feeling she looked familiar in way even Silena told me that she found out it was her but I didn't believe it till now but it was really her?!" Zara said in disbelief "Yep that was the Saphire I've been telling you about the one and only" I responded.   "well I sure made one hell of a first impression when I saw her carrying you" Zara added " well I'll you alone you need to get some more rest you'll have to be in the infirmary for at least two weeks more or less to fully heal  I have senate meeting in 5 minutes so I have get going now see you in an hour Haren bye!" She said as she left I carefully laid back down on the bed staring out the window that's when something caught my eye it was a folded piece of paper on the nightstand nest to me i pick it and unfolded "of course it had to be her" Dear, Haren "I'm sorry I couldn't be by your side in the infirmary longer I would've stayed with you the whole night, but I can't cause then the hunters will wonder about my whereabouts. I wish we could've stayed in our embrace forever, but everything must come to a end it was definitely refreshing seeing your face you've changed over the last four years. Since I last saw you and so have I but the one thing that hasn't changed is my never ending love for you. Your the best boyfriend I could've ever asked for I wish I could've kissed you more, give you all of my love, make flower crowns, and run through fields of dandelions like old times sake when we were young. And the fact you still wear the necklace I gave you as your birthday gift when you turned ten

Ah my love I'm afraid I have to go now but remember one thing I Will Always Love You Forever No Matter What

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Ah my love I'm afraid I have to go now but remember one thing I Will Always Love You Forever No Matter What. XOXO Love, Saphire Nightshade your Girlfriend. ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• I finished reading the letter I couldn't help but to cry a little bit "Oh Saphire what would I do without you my Love....". Word count : 1843

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 07, 2023 ⏰

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