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Today was another pop quiz for the fourth grade class. Almost everyone was freaking out about it, not expecting the seventh one in two months.

"Serious?" Eric said from his seat, pissed off. It wasn't even a subject he was... okay in. It was math! At least it wasn't spelling, so he knew he had a 15% chance of passing.

"What the hell, dude?" Kenny crossed his arms, huffing in his seat. He was terrible at math, it was so boring and he'd rather do anything else than math.

"Fuck me," Stan said, grabbing a wooden pencil from his pencil pouch. He wasn't good at math, wasn't bad, but definitely struggled with fractions and long division, which, unfortunately, was what they were learning.

Kyle didn't mind it, since during this test he would have a history lesson, and he preferred math over history. Grabbing a wooden pencil, he got to work on the test.

As he answered, suddenly a piece of paper landed softly on his desk. He unfolded it and read it.

Yo could i get the answer to 1?

Kyle immediately recognized the handwriting and wrote back, before folding it and tossing it quietly back.

Stan smiled and read it, writing it down. The teacher didn't care if he showed his work or if he didn't. He could draw a penis to show his work and she'd count it.

They did this the entire test, until they both finished. All the kids turned in their tests and the bell rang, indicating it was time for them to leave.

On the way out, the boys were talking. "Dude, I think I passed this one." Eric said, his backpack swinging on his back.

"No fucking way, fatass." Kyle said. "You're too stupid to even solve the first one."

Eric huffed, crossing his arms. "What do you know? You're just a stupid jew."

"More than you, patty mcfatty!" Kyle laughed. "Kenny, how do you think you did?"

"Okay. I don't need smarts to get laid, do I?" Kenny answer, walking down the steps outside the school.

"Well, I think I passed with 100%!" Stan perked up, raising his hands as they all walked down the sidewalk.

"Stan, no you didn't." Eric said. "You're too dumb!"

"Yes I did!" Stan said, grabbing Eric's hat. "I cheated off of Kyle!"

"Whatever, dumass!" Eric said in anger.

"Oh, Kyle, wanna come to mine?" Stan asked. Kyle nodded in agreement.

"What? Are you too gonna fuck?" Eric laughed.

"No, we're going to fuck your mom!" Kyle said.

"Without me?" Kenny laughed. Eric started yelling at them, leaving into his house as they passed it. Kenny left soon after to his house, and Stan and Kyle left his Stan's.

After hanging out for a while, Stan walked Kyle to the door. "Bye, Kyle!" Stan said, hugging Kyle tightly.

"See ya, dude!" Kyle answered, smiling at him.

"Thanks for letting me cheat off you," Stan said, smiling back at him. Before Kyle could reply, Stan kissed his cheek before quickly closing the door and putting his back against it.

Kyle, stood there, red faced and confused. He laughed as he walked home, still blushing however.

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