Part 3

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Lisa shifts on her feet, waiting for Jennie to come out. She sighs and looks at her watch.


Her flight landed an hour ago. Where is she?

Suddenly, a familiar face emerges from the exit. Jennie's wearing a pair of sunglasses, dressed in grey sweatpants with a matching zip-up jacket, and a face mask covering half her face.

Jennie looks around, immediately spotting Lisa. She gives Lisa a small wave and walks towards her, the trolly porter following behind her.

Jennie stops right in front of her. "Lalisa Manoban," Jennie smirks, her voice taunting, taking off her mask. "Do my eyes deceive me or are you really awake at 4am in the morning?" She teases, giving her a pointed look.

Lisa rolls her eyes. "I can wake up early if I want to." She scoffs. Because she can- it's just different when people make her wake up early.

"And you wanted to for me? Aw." Jennie coos, making Lisa huff. "Are those for me?" she asks, pointing at the object in her hand.

Lisa looks down. "Oh," she hands the bouquet of blue roses to Jennie. "Yeah," she clears her throat, awkwardly shuffling her feet. "They're uh- they're from my mom." She half lies. She can't let Jennie know it was from her. Or that she drove 25 miles yesterday to find a store that sold her favorite flowers. That'd be weird.

Jennie takes the flowers from her hands, a big smile on her face as she smells them. "Thank you. Blue roses are my favourite."

Lisa almost lets out a sigh of relief. The driving was worth it. Not that it mattered or anything-

"Oof," Lisa huffs out as Jennie wraps her arms around Lisa, pulling her in for a tight hug.

"I believe this is the longest we've been apart." Jennie chuckles, hugging her tighter.

Lisa tries to ignore how nice Jennie's touch feels. It's warm and familiar. "I think we've been apart longer," she pulls away from the hug. "Chicago?"

Jennie widens her eyes, smacking her hand on her forehead. "Right!" she chuckles. "I guess being with you everyday for the past 5 years made me forget."

Lisa gives her a tight lipped smile. She supposes it doesn't really bother her that Jennie didn't remember. It's in the past now. But she doesn't think about that anymore- at least, she tries not to.

She clears her throat. "Shall we?"

Jennie nods, smirking at her. "Can't believe I'm using the special exit," she looks around the empty runaway. It's less crowded than the usual arrivals exit, less busy- nobody asking for autographs, or bumping into her, or flashing cameras.

Lisa shrugs. "I pulled some strings. I'm sort of known here." Her own lips forming a smirk. "It keeps the paps away. Perks of being famous I guess."

Jennie rolls her eyes. "Alright, lets deflate that big head of yours. I would've thought Thailand humbled you more than that." Jennie jokes.

Lisa takes Jennie's hand luggage. "Whatever." She says. "Let's get going, my mother's waiting."


They're in the car when Lisa realizes how unprepared she was for her initial proposal.

"You bought yourself a Tesla?"

Lisa smirks, using one hand to rub her steering wheel. "Yep, isn't she pretty?" she asks.

Jennie scoffs, folding her arms together. "Yeah, pretty expensive."

"You're not allowed to be on manager mode."

Jennie giggles. "Okay, fine." She says. The older woman looks around the car. "How'd your parents react to it?"

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 27 ⏰

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