story of my life

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*listen to the song before you read*

Let me start out by saying this , Hi my name is , Abigail, and my life is a complete hell .... Well it wasnt always like this... we used to be happy my dad , brother, and my mom ....

See we're werewolves, I know hard to believe I'm sure your thinking "WHAT NO WAY YOU CANT BE THERE JUST A MYTH" well number 1 yes they are real and number 2 my family and I are some werewolves and we even live in a pack .....

And 2 years ago today my pack and I were attacked by rogues..... And my mom being top leader in fighters she was the first one to start fighting and she was killed by a rogue.

Well after my mom died my father and brother started drinking and since my mom and dad were mates ...... Mates is like humans say I've found my soulmate the only way it's different is when a wolf sets eyes on his/her mate they instantly know because you feel a pull and he/she is the only person you want to be around and when you lose them ..... Your wolf becomes enraged......

That's what happened to my dad and my brother they became enraged..... And they started drinking heavily..... And after a few months went by they started to get really abusive..... They would punch and kick me several times that's why I just hope I can find my mate and get out of here ...... That's why I'm dreading today because I know the beatings are about to begin .......

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