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I came back to consciousness and I saw Gabriel sitting in the chair beside me ......

"What are you doing here I thought you had left "Gabriel looked at me surprised that I said such a thing  "I would never leave you unless you told me to" I wondered what he meant by that .

the doctor came in right about when I was fixing to ask what he meant but I decided to let it go the doctor came in with a worried look on his face I knew what he was going to say he was going to say that I was severely underweight and that I had wounds that were not healed I just hope he doesn't mention the whip scars that are on my back  he looked at me and then looked at Gabriel 

" ok, First things first " Oh here we go I mentally prepared myself for Gabriel's reaction "You are very much severely underweight and you also have several broken bones and bruises that haven't been fully healed before you got more on top of them. and you also have whip marks on your back from wolfsbane " by Breathe caught and wouldn't you know it Gabriel shot up from his chair I didn't even try to stop him I was too weak .

he ran out of the room and the doctor ran out after him They both came back inside a little while later both calm and cool and collected. "Okay as I was saying " he was talking while Gabriel sat back down in the chair while holding my hand. " You have to be severally careful and if u want to get better. you also have alpha blood in your system that's why you are feeling better now at least a little bit "  The doctor sat down on the bed with me and started looking at me examining me listening to my heart and everything. and declared that I had a weak heart that needed to strengthen a little bit before my wolf would come back and we could shift. the doctor said that I needed to stay at least a week maybe more because my kidneys were almost failing from the lack of nutrients so there goes my journey to the hospital and back out in the same two days Wow this is going be a long journey the doctor walked out the door .

as soon as he walked out the door Gabriel was right by my side in an instant " I understand if you want to reject me " I looked down feeling sad knowing what was coming he lifted my chin to look into his eyes " Why would I ever reject you, you are the best thing that has happened to me "  my eyes felt up with tears hearing him say those words to me, all I wanted was to be accepted in this life and my father and brother never did that all they ever did was blame me for my mother's death by a rogue and beat me and beat me till i was almost dead. and after then meaning her death I never felt accepted not once until now. I grabbed Gabriel by surprise pulled him down and hugged him. "Thank you thank you for accepting me All I ever wanted to be in this life was accepted for myself but I never was after my mother's death by a rogue.  my father and brother blamed me for my mother's death so I spent my upbringing years wishing that I was dead because I would be with her so thank u for making me want to live again".  

he looked up at me and he had tears in his eyes then he just hugged me for dear life. and I think it was time to tell him the full story of my life because of course that was only a little part of it so I looked up at him and he looked down at me. " I think it's time that I told you the true full story of my life because that is not even half of what I have already told you so far. so where do I begin''? 

"Hey lovelies i know i left you guys off with a cliff stay tuned because I am gonna be updating more Love yall "

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