¤Chapter One: Solo Worker¤

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2nd POV

Being a detective is never an easy job. Solving an impossible case that's been long overdue is something that you'd like to take as a challenge. Here in this small town, you know everyone. And everyone knows you. Maybe that's a good thing. You're able to use every corner of the street and find your way throughout every alleyway to catch any runners. But there are a whole lot of risks of everyone knowing you. Fortunately, you were willing to take that risk if it meant saving more lives than you could count. Catching every single culprit who's responsible for each murder case was your top priority. It protects the townsfolk and puts them at ease, knowing that you're the one out on patrol.

You never let your guard down. You couldn't afford to while knowing everyone was counting on you. You wanted to give it your all and not give up without putting up one hell of a fight. You're the type to fight back. You're the type that doesn't take shit from anyone who sees other people's pain as pleasure. You hold a high reputation, and you would like to keep it that way.

"Working another all-nighter?" Kirishima asks you while leaning against the wall of your cubicle. He tells you, "You know that report isn't due until next week. What gives?"

"I need to give myself as much time as I can for this case I want to work on." You said while typing on your computer, "It won't be easy, but I hope the chief will let me take it."

"Another case? What kind of -" He then thinks to himself before his face becomes a little pale, "Hold on. Do you mean..?"

"Mhm." You hummed yes to confirm his guess, "That one."

Cold case #1A: Ghostface

This case, in particular, is what brings everyone, including yourself, chills throughout your entire body. For three years, an unknown serial killer has been on the loose, tormenting and stealing the lives of Musu Town. It was difficult to find a pattern, but you were sure that it all led to the same conclusion. Someone reports about a creepy phone call and a potential trespasser who is attempting to break into the victim's home. Next thing you know, the victim is already found dead on the floor with their phone in their hand as soon as the authorities arrive on the scene. Footprints were recovered from the scene, but that's about it. The entire property would be searched, and there was no sign of the killer. They were already long gone.

The only clue you have is that the killer is a male after examining the shoe size of the culprit who appears to have an unexplained motive, possibly having none at all. Some folks in this town are often turning against each other, worried that they could be the killer, and on most occasions, some of those folks get driven mad enough to kill themselves or hurt others. Which only makes this case more difficult to find the actual killer. And you weren't going to wait until everyone died just so you could find the killer's identity. This person could be disguising their voice whenever he makes those phone calls. You were unable to track the killer's phone call. You knew that he was using disposable ones or someone else's phone to hide in plain sight.

You weren't going to tolerate this. No. You want to put this nightmare to an end.

"Y/n. I get that you want to solve every case here in town, but that one is better left alone." He says with caution, "Don't you remember what happened to the last detective who tried cracking that case?"

"He got murdered in his own home." You replied bluntly, "Yeah, I remember that vividly. But I can't let -"

"Exactly, and I don't want that to happen to you." He says before changing the subject, "Look, why don't you take a break, and we can go out and get some coffee real quick? You look like you need it."

You sighed and said, "Can't. There is too much paperwork."

He held a disappointed look. This wasn't the first time that he's heard a no from you, but he wasn't going to accept it anymore. He quickly leaves you alone for a moment before coming back with an innocent grin on his face.

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