Chapter 6: Secrets

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Chapter 6: Secrets

"Oh what a tangled web we weave when first we practice to deceive." - Sir Walter Scott

Lance has found himself in quite the pickle. The more he tries to protect his little sliver of happiness, the more the secrets pile up. Can Lance sustain this web forever?

Lance had always been an open book. He'd never kept things hidden away; locked up tight in his mind and conscience. He shared everything with his closest friends and his familia. But secrets had come to define his time at Hogwarts.

Lance's feelings for Keith were a secret. The reason he was tutoring students was a secret. How he'd spent his Christmas holiday was a secret. How he truly felt inside was a secret. Everything was secrets, and Lance was drowning in them. He wasn't cut out for this.


Vest or sweater? Lance debated as he held each up under his chin, staring at himself in the floor-length mirror of his shared dorm room.

You'd think with a strict school uniform getting dressed in the morning would be the easiest part of the day. But it wasn't. Lance didn't know what kind of mood he was in yet, and choosing an outfit to best suit his needs was far too difficult a task for him at the moment given how quickly the weather could change in Scotland.

On the dresser beside his bed were the books he needed to return to the school library as well as a metal tin filled with slices of his Abuela's famous cake de ron, an irresistible Cuban rum cake and a Christmas tradition.

And okay, sure, Christmas was over and all that, but Lance wanted to share his culture with his friends, not just the American bits he'd picked up at Ilvermorny. Sharing his American NoMaj Halloween snacks had been great, but this was his culture and he couldn't wait for everyone to try it. Particularly Hunk.

Lance settled on the vest. He folded the starched collar of his crisp white shirt over the circling ring of his silver and green tie before tucking the length under the vest's soft grey knit. A black robe with green lining completed his uniform and Lance gave himself a quick once over in the mirror before grabbing his things and heading off to his first class.


Lance shoved the final book into his bag.

He wasn't making much progress on his Galra clan project and was starting to see why none of the other students had chosen the Marmora family to focus on. The crowd of sixth years surrounding Lotor had started to dwindle now that he'd answered most of their questions about his family. But Lance wasn't having the same amount of luck. Professor Thace refused to speak with him, Lotor's knowledge of the Galra didn't extend past his own family, and the library didn't have much information on the Marmora either.

What books he did find had been heavily redacted; almost any and all mention of the Marmora having been magically erased from the pages. It was really starting to make it difficult to do this bloody project and Lance was beginning to believe the Marmora had something they really didn't want anyone to find out.

Naturally, he was more determined than ever.

"Have you tried looking in the restricted section?" Simon asked as they walked between classes.

"He can't Sy," James cut in, answering on Lance's behalf, "it's the restricted section, you can only enter with a note from a Professor."

"Right, so get a note!"

"But Professor Binns just floats away as soon as class is over," Lance added, directing the statement to both of his friends.

"So? Go talk to Professor Blaytz, he's head of Slytherin house and will definitely help. Oh, OH, you could go ask Professor Thace, that would be hilarious." Simon laughed and clapped Lance on the shoulder, offering the worst suggestion possible.

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