Into the mansion

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Gajeel stirs awake, fighting the urge to close his eyes. He realizes something's missing "Shrimp?" He groaned but got no relpy, he smirked "I've already smelled ya" "Aw you're no fun!".

Levy pops up from the side, she was planing to scare him, she walks to the dressor to begin brushing her hair "Well I'm going to get us some new clothes" Levy turns and faces a sleeping dragon slayer "Gajeel wake up" she shakes him but nothing happens "Fine then, don't eat the pots while I'm gone" Levy gets up and walks but quickly comes back and properly tucks him in "Weather is still pretty bad. Don't want you with a cold" she whispered and leaves him, who pulled the covers closer trying to hide his blushed face.

~In a shop~

"How does this look?"

"That looks perfect!"

The person helping her had just picked out the perfect outfit, not too dressy but still good enough for nights out. As she started to ring her up she notices only slighty Levy's fairy tail mark. "Oh my! You're from Fairy Tail?". Proudly she smiles and reveals the mark "Yeah I'm an S class" The cashier begins insisting she'd take the clothes for free, seeing as the town didn't get much travelers she was ecstatic to meet a memeber of the guild.

"What magic do you use?" "I'm a script mage, I can rewrite the names of objects and spells" the clerk clapped her hands together "Oh it must be so much fun! Do have your own a team?" Levy nods smiling. "Oh you must come and show us some tricks, things have been getting glum and a good show would be perfect! Don't you think?".

Levy apologies saying there currently on a job, the happy lady frowns a bit "Oh pity...some other time then. What is your job?" She asks in wonder "Well, we'll be watching over this mansion while the owner leaves". The clerk's smile fades away and went completely pale "Oh..." the way she said it sounded odd to Levy "What? What's wrong?".

The woman looks outside for a second and leans foward whispering.

"They say weird stuff goes on in that house. Rumor has it that the original owner's daughter was murdered in there, the man was never found and the owner committed suicide. Some say both souls haunt the grounds, inside because of the murder and outside because the owner drowned in the mansion's pool".

Levy gulped feeling chills up her spine, she was scared but she acted brave passing it off as just a ghost story "Ha you forget I'm an S class you can be sure rumors or ghost isn't the worst thing I've ever faced!". The lady gave her a worried expression but soon perked up at her courage "Ah I forgot you're also from Fairy Tail! Please take the clothes it's on the house!"

~Sometime later~

"Aye Shrimp! would you hurry up?"

"I'm going as fast as I can!"

They now stood at the gate entrance of the mansion. The mansion itself was made out of wood, old and worn out. "The gates are rusted shut" Gajeel grunts trying to pry it open "Can't you eat your way through?" He gave her a disgusted look "Do you want to kill me? That iron is all rusted, eating it will get me sick!". Levy notices a hole in between the bars, they use it and reach the other side. Once in, it started to rain and the duo rushes to the door.

They could hear the wood beneath them started to creak in strain of the sudden weight. Levy tries to dry herself while Gajeel knocks on the door.


"Open up old man it's me!" He yells but no one speaks out. "Hey Shorty pass me the key" he orders "Say it with me Le-vy Levy" she says giving him the key "It's easier to call you by what you are Shorty". With a click the door opens revelling it's inside, it had furniture covered in large gray sheets, a dusty fireplace stood at the end of a wall. As they went further in they found the kitchen and a bathroom along with many other rooms that now occupy boxes and old treasures like a grand clock that ticked but never moved it's arms.

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