Chapter 3

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Harry didn't make it back to his flat until seven the next evening. His morning had, sadly, been an uneventful one. He woke up when his phone alarm went off, to find that Louis was already gone. He'd left him a note though, resting on his bedside table next to a long, thin box that was tied with a bow. There was also an official looking document that Harry was sure was their contract, with something scribbled across the top.

Harry read the note first.

H -

Sorry. Had to go to work early and you were dead to the world. Didn't want to wake you.

Feel free to order in room service for breakfast and don't worry about check out. It'll be taken care of.

Forgot to show you the contract of sorts that I wrote up, so have a look over it and let me know of any changes that need to be made.

Thanks for last night. I had a great time. I'll be in contact later this week.

- L


Harry pouted. He'd really wanted to get his hands on Louis' dick again before he left. He didn't think he'd ever enjoyed sex with anyone that much, let alone with one of his arrangements. Louis made the prettiest breathy moans he'd ever heard, and his dick was so thick and pretty, and the way he just used Harry... It was just a lot, and Harry loved it. He sighed, thinking about the morning sex that could have been as he picked up the box, saving the contract for last.

He slid the ribbon off, careful not to mess up the bow, and took the lid off of the box.

"Oooh," he breathed to himself, running his fingers over the silky scarf that laid inside. It was the prettiest blue color, almost as pretty as Louis' eyes, and decorated with pink skulls. It looked like an Alexander McQueen. Harry had always wanted a McQueen scarf.

Harry checked the label. Sure enough, it was an Alexander McQueen. And it was so pretty. He took the scarf out of the box to examine it closer and noticed another note at the bottom of the box. He picked it up and smiled at the short message.

You seem into fashion and my sister tells me McQueen scarves are staple items for all fashion lovers. You might have one already, but I thought this one suited you.

- L

The gift receipt was included in the box as well. Harry felt a bit emotional. He shook his head, feeling ridiculous for getting all worked up over a fucking scarf. But the scarf was also maybe the most thoughtful gift Harry had ever received from a sugar daddy. Louis actually took the time to think about what Harry was interested in, what he might actually like. He was a good one.

He read over the contract next, which had "Not at all official. Just for us to know where we stand! Everything is subject to change at any point if one of us feels differently :)", handwritten across the top. The contract was short, just touching on allowance and everything else they'd covered when they originally hashed out the details. The only thing Louis touched on more in depth was discretion, which Harry totally understood was needed in his line of business. Louis stated that he had two friends who knew he was in an arrangement, but they didn't know any details about Harry. If anyone in Harry's life knew about the arrangement, Louis wanted Harry to treat it the same way on his end. He wasn't to give anyone any details about Louis.

Harry grabbed his phone from the nightstand to text him.

Had a great time last night. No worries about discretion. My roommate and sister know that I'm in the bowl, as do some other friends who are also in the bowl. Nobody knows specifically about you though and I'll keep it that way. Looking forward to hearing from you soon. Xx

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