30. Errors will be Made

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3rd Person POV.
Location: secret underground villain Lair

Y/n L/n and Laura are currently in an underground super secret villain Lair the two of them make their way towards a reinforced metal door Laura offers the option of just blowing it open and rushing in head first with a full frontal assault but Y/n stops her.

Y/n: listen if we Brute Force our way in we'll probably set up some sort of alarm and if they aren't expecting us already or don't know that we're already here we'll lose the element of surprise and besides there's no fun in just ending this here and now so let's go for a more subtle approach~

Laura: when you put it that way you make a logical point we will do it your way.

Y/n: I'm Glad You See It My Way~

Y/n L/n immediately walks over to the door as quietly as he could thankfully his cybernetic boots had the ability to muffle his footsteps making his footsteps completely inaudible he walked next to the door he was hiding next to it he then knocked on the door three times much to Laura's confusion.

Laura mind: is he being serious?!?!

Soon enough someone opens the door whoever it was the guard smiles like an idiot as if he were answering his own front door expecting his neighbor to ask for a cup of sugar.

Guard: yes?

Y/n L/n then proceeds just slam the door closed right in the guard's face sending him flying backwards the impact of the door hitting him in the face knocks him out and the guard is now lying on his back completely unconscious with a broken bloody nose Y/n L/n looks at his partner and opens the door.

Y/n: after you~

Laura: I absolutely cannot believe that worked.

Y/n: subtlety might not be my strong suit but sometimes I have my moments of brilliance~

Immediately the two of them walk into the secret villain Lair the two of them walk down the central hallway when they arrive on the other side of the hallway Y/n L/n uses his powers to melt the control panel keeping the hydraulic door locked now the control panel was gone the emergency release opened the door the two of them looked inside the room and they noticed that 13 was lying down on a laboratory table strapped down and totally helpless right now there was what appeared to be a mad scientist about to do something to her.

Mad scientist villain: now that I have you 13 I'm going to dissect you and once I have your genetic code I shall create the ultimate life form with the ability to command the very fabric of the universe~

Y/n: don't count your chickens before they hatch!!!

Y/n and Laura jump into the room with their weapons held at the ready.

Y/n: by the laws and decrees of this world and by the authority of the new age Alliance you are under arrest for the assault and kidnapping of a licensed hero!!!

Laura: please surrender peacefully or we will be forced to use potentially lethal Force!

The mad scientist raised her arms into the air dropping her scalpel and surrendering Laura immediately cuffed her and Y/n L/n released 13 from her restraints.

13: thanks for the save.

Y/n: no problem all part of being a hero.

Immediately the two heroes in training escorted the mad scientist villain and the partially injured Pro Hero out of the underground Laboratory Y/n L/n teleported everyone to the new age Academy when they arrived the mad scientist was immediately taken into custody the Pro Hero 13 was immediately escorted to the medical wing of the new age Academy for immediate medical treatment and attention Y/n L/n decided to reward himself with a trip to the town of Braveheart he made his way to the town of Braveheart and when he got there he started walking around looking for something to do soon enough he was greeted by a close personal friend which was none other than the nun Asia.

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