The class bell rung, signaling the beginning of class and Jungkook entered his English class confidently, each step he took gained attention from his peers.

It was a ritual at this point. Jungkook would walk in looking flawless, his clothes always on point with the latest fashion and neatly combed hair.

He would be praised for his brown doe eyes and chocolate brown hair. His perfect nose and pink lush lips.

As if god himself had sculpted him carefully and made the rest of the students from scraps.

He had it going for him, perfect grades, perfect body and he was rich to top it off. His parents owning a mansion and five different cars that were god knows how much money.

He was also kind, sweet, and had the loveliest voice or so his classmates said. However his friends would argue against the kind and sweet.

He managed to get whatever he wanted, all Jungkook had to do was speak politely as possible and then smile, eyes scrunching up.

It was no different today, managing to 'whoo' every one of his teachers and peers. He had been allowed to pick where he wanted to sit and who with (in which his best friends Kim Taehyung and Park Jimin were pleased with)

So when he entered the English room, his head was up high, and his shoulders were like mountains, standing tall.

Checking to see if there was any assigned seat- there wasn't, he located Jimin and two other guys he hung out with sometimes; Baekhyun and Bambam.

Coming up to them, still catching the eyes of many students, he coolly stopped in front Park Jimin gaining their attention quickly.

"Jungkookie!" The smaller but older squealed in delight, and clutched his arms.

"Yo," the other two males behind him said.

"Hey," Jungkook responded.

"Are you gonna sit with us again?" Jimin asked, a light blonde hair falling onto his face.

"No," Jungkook scoffed sarcastically, enough for the guys to hear, "I'm here because I want to order McDonalds," rolling his eyes he continued, "of course I'm going to sit here!"

However they were in the very far corner, three of the desks taken by the males. The desk next to Jimin was also taken. And the two upper ones as well.

He opted for the one next to Jimin because it was easier to turn and talk then rotate your body 180°.

He turned to the guy in the seat who had a black hood pulled over so Jungkook couldn't really see their face.

"Hello," he began putting his doll face mask on, "excuse me?"

The guy made no sudden movements whatsoever.

"So I was wondering if you could-"

"Fuck off."

There were audible gasps from the class.

Jungkooks eyes widened, "I-uh-what?" He continued with his doll face.

"You heard me," the guy lifted his head up and Jungkook was able to see the male's pale skin, brown orbs piercing his and black hair from underneath that hood. He had eyebrow piercings on one eyebrow and a slit on the other. "I said fuck off."

Another wave of gasps.

"You didn't even let me finish my-"

Jungkook was cut off once more.

"Didn't need to shitface, it was written all over your eyes," the guy sent him a glare, "I'm not switching seats."

Jungkook noticed the male also had a tongue piercing. Not that he was staring at the guys mouth.

"Ah, um."

He was definitely flustered to say the least. Never had anyone spoken to him in a tone like that and the guy was beginning to get on his nerves. But he couldn't let his mask fall.

"I'll do anything! Please?" He pulled on the bunny face.

The guy didn't even look at him and just flipped him off.


"You could at least be kind about it dude!" He said trying to contain his voice.

"Here's the thing dork, I'm not your peasant for you to damn order me around ok rodent? So you can take ur flatass and go someplace else. And for your information the names Yoongi. Min Yoongi."

Then then the guy turned back around and placed on some headphones and tuned him away.

And here was Jungkook trying to be all kind (although it was only to get what he wanted) only for this probably broke ass man to embarrass him in front of the whole class like that.

He felt his face burn not only with shame but anger as well however he couldn't do anything in respect of that. No one needed to see the bad side of him.

"Hope you die you piece of shit," he muttered to himself turning around and sent a stare to Baekhyun and BamBam to switch places for him and Jimin.

Both boys did shuffling quickly and and Jungkook plopped himself to the seat so that on his right there was only a wall.

The teacher entered as soon as Jimin took a seat next to him, and began to speak.

While she was doing that Jungkook made holes in the back of the the rude guys head and didn't look away when the said guy turned around. Moving his lips, Jungkook made out a I hope you die too Jungshit.


So I'm starting off right now by fixing errors.

I can't believe I'm even doing this.

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