Jungkook shifted from his seat in Spanish. Not this guy again.

He turned to look at a pissed off Jackson nearing him, hands balled up anger evident on his face.

What had he done now?

"So you're dating Min Yoongi huh!?"

Jungkook scrunched his nose. Not really he thought, "where'd you hear that from."

"Changbin." He snorted, "you really had to get with my man huh?" Jungkook frowned but Jackson continued, "look, I know everyone had this little pretty angel image of you but I see right through you. So let me make this simple for you. Get your ugly ass away from him."

As confused as Jungkook was and how he hated people assuming things (even if it were partially true) he disliked people getting into his business.

Smiling, Jungkook stood up and faced Jackson. "Aww really? Darn I was really trying hard to keep my 'angel image' in front of you. Let's see, about your proposal. Hmmm," he cocked his head sideways, "no."

Jackson smile faded a little, "What."

"I said no," then puckering his lips a little Jungkook continued, "You're just jealous I could get Yoongi. I gave you years of time but god you're slow. So I just went ahead and picked him up for you."

Then with a wide smile Jungkook brushed Jackson off and left.

After getting out of Jackson's view, he freaked out internally. Jackson was going to kill him.

No, Yoongi will protect you. I mean you dos just save him from being with that monster.

Oh who was kidding. Yoongi would straight up reject him.

No. Yoongi probably didn't know of the rumors. Jungkook could just get touchy and make it look like they were in a relationship. Any human would fall for it. It happened to famous people all the time. All Jungkook had to do was hold the man's hand and that would be enough.

"Oh Jungkook, damn your such a genius!" He told himself.

Giving himself a pat on the back, he went about his day with the single plan on his mind.

Time skip again

"What are you doing?"

A deep voice broke Jungkook out of his thoughts, and the hand Jungkook had been about to hold pulled away from his reach.

"Nothing," he smiled.

Yoongi just gave Jungkook a weird look before resuming back to their project. They were in the liberarte and Jungkook was doing anything but studying. He was too busy with other things in his mind he couldn't focus on anything else.

He made a move again and this time rested his face on the palm of his hand, the other free arm reaching towards Yoongi's hair and gently toying with it.

Yoongi yanked away, eyes widening, "ok seriously, what's going on."

Jungkook responded with a nothing again.

"You said you wanted to work on this project which is now one day late. Or was that a lie?"

"NO!" Jungkook panicked, "I- uhm- well you see the thing is I heard that friends get closer with interactions. And well-"

"We're not friends," Yoongi deadpanned.

From the corner of his eye Jungkook could make out Jackson's silhouette.

Quick! Something Jungkook!

Jungkook immediately reached both his hands to Yoongi's and cupped the males face.

"Baby, don't say that!"

"What are you do-"

"There's this guy who's been hitting on me and I'm tryna get him away," Jungkook lied motioning over to Jackson discreetly.

Yoongi raised an eyebrow reading Jungkooks face and then nodded slightly.

Taking Jungkooks wrists and pulling Jungkooks hands away from his face, Yoongi leaned closer to him. Jungkook could feel his heart beating quickly.

"I'll play along, just know you owe me." He whispered into Jungkooks ear. His breath warm against the lobe.

Then dropping the hands and pulling back he ruffled Jungkooks hair before going back to work.

Jungkooks eyes didn't leave Yoongi's face and he didn't notice that Jackson was no longer in the room anymore. 


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