amir ahnaf, the elayne

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(P/s: elayne; ray of light) 

      The alarm on his phone rings. He slowly open his eyes and adjust them to the sun that had just rise up. "Terangnya sial." 

      He then wake up and straightly go the the bathroom to take his bath. Just when he was about to step into the toilet, he saw his little brother was taking a peek at his door. "Abang, adik masuk eh?" and Amir just nodded his head while giving him a smile to give him the agreement. 

      "Papa dah panggil tu. Abang kena balik asrama kan harini?" his brother ask him while making the sad face. Amir knelt down and nodded his head while patting his brother head. "Abang pergi sekejap je, tak lama pun. Nanti abang dah habis SPM kita keluar dari rumah ni sama-sama eh dik." He knows that his brother doesn't feel comfortable staying with their stepdad and stepmum but he just doesn't know the reason since they always treat his brother in a very great manner. 

      "Abang janji dengan adik, abang cari kerja lepas habis SPM and lepas tu kita boleh keluar dari rumah ni, and adik boleh ikut je abang pergi mana-mana. Remember, can i go, where you go? Tu kan lagu Taylor kegemaran kita?"

      His little brother nodded his head. He loves his little brother because he is the only one Amir has in his live. He can't imagine his life without him. 

      "Dahlah adik, abang nak mandi ni. Keluar pergi breakfast, cakap dekat papa abang otw ok?" his brother nodded his head and walkaway. 

      Losing both his parents at the age of 6 and his little brother at the age of 3 wasnt easy for him. He had to take the responsibilities of the big brother and take care of his little brother. They were both send to the orphanage home since none of their family members wanted to take care of them.

      Luckily, he was grateful that after two years his stepparents took care of them and take all the burden to take care of them. That is why he doesnt want to let his parents down. 


Meanwhile, after taking his bath, 

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25k likes, 300 comments

i was making my own name <3 


@manisnyahidup: cantiknya siti. nak ootd pls!!

@zarahnafi: this is the definition of angel 

@aniqsuhair:haih girl crush sgt ni 

      Siti, Amir's dream girl. Yeah, literally when he said dream girl, just in his dream. She is literally perfect, match all of Amir's characteristics of a dream girl. "THE GIRL CRUSH MATERIAL" that's it. "weyh apa yang kau tengah mimpi ni. Nak balik dorm dah lambat ni!!" he mutters to himself. 

      "Abang dah lambat ni, cepat sikit papa tunggu kat bawah ya!" his father shouted and that's when Amir is back to the reality of his daydreaming and quickly rush downstairs and enter the car. 

      "Papa dah tahu dah pasal semua benda. So, sekarang Amir nak bagitahu papa atau tidak?" Amir was stunned to get that question from his father but he knew he is in trouble, and that's bad because he is the "KAPLA OF HOIGH COUNCIL".

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 14, 2023 ⏰

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