5 more minutes

324 2 4

kate x y/n

this is not proof read please be nice

warnings: death, guns, fighting, crying, knifes, blood

!!its going to be sad as fuck just to let you know!!

y/n pov
"kate please i have a horrible feeling about this mission" i say at this point I'm practically bagging my girlfriend not to go on this solo mission. honestly it is a simple mission going to a abandoned hydra bace in hopes to find files but i can't shake this feeling. i can't even explain it. "my love it's going to be so fast i promise i will come home back to you" she says trying to calm my nerves "but what if" she cuts off "no what ifs you go lay down and watch your show i'll be home before the end of this season okay?" "but" "no buts come on i'm packed already i'll come and lay with you for a little" "okay" with that we go and lay back down in bed it's not even 4 in the morning yet and i'm exhausted so i fall back asleep as soon as we lay down.

kate pov
i didn't even have a chance to put on her show before y/n was fast asleep in my arms. i watch as the clock slowly ticks from 3:30 to 4:00 meaning it's time for me to leave. i know she will be mad i didn't wake her up but with how scared she is if i let her sleep i might be back before she even realizes i'm gone but as i go to move she wakes up "no" "what" "not yet please lay with me" "my love i have to go" "please 5 more minutes" "fine" except before i even had the chance to lay back down she was sleeping peacefully on the pillow. i decided it was best to kiss her head and slip out of my sweater laying it next to her for when she wakes up "i see you soon my love" i say before leaving the room

half a hour later (4:30)
clint was already in the car getting ready to leave "how did you get out of there in time" he asked slightly concerned since he is the only one who knows about his nieces anxiety since her mom died so she could have her momma back "i may have snuck out she was sleeping when i left" "you are going to regret that when you get home" "probably" we have a good laugh when packing the car by then it's about 5 and it's time for me to leave i get in the car and roll the window down making my music flood outside the car "hey clint" "yes kate" "if something goes south promise me you will take care or her" "she needs you one hell of a lot more then she needs me if you have a bad feeling i'll go" "no i just want to know she's safe" "she will be fine" with that i left

it's been a few hours now and everything was going fine.  i got all the files but there was a lot more time expected especially for a empty bace.
bang bang bang
okay maybe now as empty as i thought i dove behind a random desk trying to see what was going on i see 2 people running towards me i draw my bow and drop them both before they have the chance to pull there guns back out i checked myself over to make sure i was okay and i was completely fine i was almost at my car before i heard another noise i looked down but all i saw was blood i threw a knife i had on the waste of my suite in the detection of the noise i guess it worked because from them on i was alone.
i managed to get to a tree leaning against it holding my ring i the palm of my hand before pulling out my phone to call the girl i left scared and aloe this morning. the only difference is she's going to think this is a I'm on my way home call not a i'm not coming home call. i take a breath before pressing her name i was not as a ready as i thought to hear her voice

y/n pov
uncle clint brought me to his house this morning because he didn't want me alone when kate was on mission but i'm sure it was actually her idea i'm come over. i'm making food for nate right now because he was complaining he was hungry and everyone else was busy. nate was playing on my phone. i was almost done making chicken nuggets before my phone rang he walk in and passed it to me. my face lite it when i seen kate's name flash across the screen i answer it as fast as i can't "hey my love dose this mean your on your way home" "y/n" she says flatly almost like she has been crying "kate" i say making the worry in my voice as clean as i can "are you alone" "no?" "who are you with" "why?" "y/n/n please just who are you with" "kate your scaring me what's going on" instead of a reply this time all that i was met with was what sounded like her not being able to breathe. i took a deep breath of my own as a tear fell from my eye "nate i'm with nate we are making food for when clint wakes up i even made extra for when you get home" "can you go wake up clint please i don't want you to be alone" i cut her off "you are coming home right". science "kate" "yeah" she whispers "are you coming home" "baby please just go wake up clint i can't tell you knowing your only with a 5 year old" (a/n idk if that's actual age but that's how old he will be)

i didn't respond i just ran upstairs to where clint was trying to take a nap before shaking him awake. by the time he wakes up i can't even think straight and tears are pooling out of my eyes. i look at my phone and he reads the name nothing is said he just takes the phone and walks our leaving me sitting alone on his bed playing with the sleeves of the sweater kate left me this morning more tears fall from my eyes my  mind going to the worst case. after about a minute i heard him yell to his wife and then at me to get in the car i don't grab anything not even my shoes i just run it's not a good sign if even he can't stay calm.

when i get to the car her voice fills my ears coming from the car "is she here yet" "kate" i whisper "hey baby" "kate please tell me what's going on i'm scared" "i will when you get here my love" "but" "no buts" "please" i say crying clint takes a breath before telling me everything i shake my head "no" i whisper hoping she can't hear me

the hole car ride was spend trying to convince her to hold on we where 5 minutes away before she stoped answering "kate" nothing "kate" i say getting louder "god damit kate say something" i yell through the car "something" she giggles "that's good right? she's making jokes?" clint just looks down "come one kate just 5 more minutes please" nothing "kate please just hold her are close okay just 5 more minutes" i hear her crying on the other end "don't let her get out clint don't let her see this" "no your going to be fine you hear me kate your will be fine just hold on" we pull up next to her car i bolt out before anyone can tell me to stay running to her as fast as i'm can.

she was laying against a tree when i got to her as soon as i seen her i broke her eyes where closed and her engagement ring layed in the palm of her hands i sat beside her trying my best to be calm "kate" i say wiping the tears from her eyes prying it makes them open. to my relief it does her brown eyes where staring back at my y/e/c ones and a a week smile appears on her face without thinking i pull her in to my chest playing with her hair. the only problem with me running to be with her is i left Clint to carry everything alone meaning he took longer then expected as soon she layed in my chest i felt her go limp i knew she was looking for a place to feel safe i just didn't know why i watch as her breathing slowed "come on kate. don't do with please. 5 more minutes late you can do this you can live you can go home please just 5 more minutes" clint runs in with the first aid stuff and i lade  her on the ground gently so she was on her back. i placed her head in my lap playing with her hair when a evac team showed up clint backed up and the first thing they did was check for her heart beet. no one was shocked when it was not there but i was in a bit a denial shaking my head like i was crazy "come on kate" my momma ran over to me pulling me away from her i was kicking and screaming like a child who wasn't allowed any candy "no let me go" "let me go" "let me be with her" "KATE" i screamed her same as the evac team just shook there heads removing there hands from her lifeless body "kate" i whisper finally getting away. as soon as i reach her i drop to my knees i start hitting her chest hoping it work "kate kate kate KATE KATE" "WAKE UP KATE" "kate" i started of soft but my words got louder until the end i whispered her name. i didn't say anything after that i just layed beside the girl i love holding her arms trying to rest my head on her blood covered chest "come one y/n" my mamma says sitting next to me the hole team was standing around me watching as a sob in to her chest "it's time y/n/n" i look at everyone still just trying to catch my breath "can't you give me 5 more minutes"

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 14, 2023 ⏰

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