Nightly Forest Run

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The bookstore was almost closed when I realized the moon was almost full. The moonlight shined from the window. I could feel my power surging, and no doubt my eyes are glowing gold right now.

"Yo, Changbin!" I yelled form the window. I heard a slight "yo" from somewhere around the fiction section.

In a literal flash, he appeared in front of me, golden eyes glowing like mine. I laughed as he growled to show off.

"What is it, Aria?" He asked with a salute.

"Let's close in five, yeah? Nightly forest run?" I asked him. He nodded and kissed my forehead.

"You know I'll always say yes cause it's you." He replied. I smiled and leaned towards him, grabbing his face in my hands before placing a kiss on his lips.

"Have I mentioned how lucky I am to have found you?" I asked him, hands still holding his face. He nodded and kissed my cheek.

"I love you too." He spoke.

I growled under my breath, catching a whiff off something unknown to me. Someone was coming. The windchime on top of the door chimed and three guys came in. One of them wore black from head to toe. He looked like Changbin on a regular day.

"Sorry, we're closed," I said, pulling away from Changbin to greet the newcomers.

They stood in front of the checkout counter. Only the guy in black leaned against the counter. The other two, who wore multicolored shirts were reading a few books near the counter.

"We won't be here long. My boys just wanted something quick to read." The one in black said with a smile.

His dimples popped out of his cheeks and that's when I realized that his hair was blonde.

"We have somewhere to be, so this one's on me." I hand him a few books his 'boys' were reading, and he grabbed them. A growl escaped his lips, and a chill ran down my spine.

"Thanks, love." He said with a dimpled smile. I nodded and stood there, waiting for the other two to set the books currently in their hand, on the counter where it was. Waiting for the blonde boy in front of me to stop staring at me.

"You're welcome." I replied, feeling warmth creeping gradually inside me.

It was getting dark outside, and I starting to get annoyed. Bin and I should have been halfway to the forest, howling together by now. That's when I smelled it.

A sweet scent, like cherries with syrup.

It was faint, and what scared me the most is that it came from the man in front of me.

It was faint, and what scared me the most is that it came from the man in front of me

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The night covered us perfectly. Changbin's fur seemed to glow, and I got reminded why I fell in love with him. He was perfect in every sense of the word; from his laugh, to his love of dark, to his ability to make me melt into a puddle of goo every time he stared at me, or smiled, or simply existed.

The words Chan muttered in his mind, linked telepathically to mine, echoes in my mind as I admired Changbin.

"You're my mate. I came for what's mine." Chan's words glided effortlessly in my mind, like butter. Like it was meant to be. As if we were meant to be.

My paws struck the floor, digging my claws into the dirt to anchor me back to reality. To Changbin looking at me a few steps away, to forget what happened a few hours ago and to Bin's black fur glittering in the moonlight.

I didn't love Chan, we barely met. I would never love him. I loved Changbin, with everything I had since college. He knows me better than I know myself. I'll always be in love with him.

There is no changing that.

I followed Changbin into the forest, feeling the anxiety of meeting my mate melt away as I ran.

Changbin didn't like Chan. I knew that much from the way he glared at him whenever Chan talked to me. Like when he and his friends came in today for instance. When Chan touched my hand 'accidentally' to get the books he paid for a few seconds ago.

I growled lowly, earning a growl from Chan in response. His eyes glowed red and I couldn't stop myself from whimpering. I could smell the jealousy emanating from Changbin on the other end of the bookstore, pretending to stock books in its place.

"See you later Aria," Chan purred as he turned around, about to head out. I felt a wave of anger crashing over me.

How dare he say my name like that? With so much adoration and love, as if he were my boyfriend. As if he actually had a chance with me. As if my boyfriend wasn't a few feet away, ready to practically rip his head off.

Chan would unfortunately win. He was an Alpha, unlike Changbin.

Surely, Chan would tell me that himself. I was almost positive about that.

"Not too soon I hope." I replied. He smirked and made a show of slowly walking out of the store with his two goonies.

As soon as he was out of the door, I ran towards Changbin and hugged him. He breathed in my scent and hugged me tightly. I rocked side to side, and he rubbed circles on my back.

"There's no way I'll take him as my mate, you know?" I reassured him, still rocking side to side.

"He's an Alpha, baby." He said softly. I closed my eyes and let his scent consume me. I let him consume me.

"So? I'm a Beta, like you. I decide who I like, not him. I don't care if we're mates." I said, pulling away slowly.

"Babe..." he whined, clearly not convinced.

Some part of me was dead set on never loving Chan. Changbin is my whole world, and I won't stop reminding him of it. Another part of me felt a bit hurt, a bit frustrated as well.

I never thought he would doubt my love.

He knows I love him, and just because he's a Beta, doesn't mean I'll stop any time soon. I should have known he'd be conflicted about his status, and secondary gender. He always wanted to be an Alpha, like his dad.

He presented as a Beta instead, like his mom.

"No, Binnie. You know exactly how I feel about you. Since college. He means nothing to me, nothing." I closed the conversation with a peck on his lips.

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