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following the orders of the wizard king, all squads, except for captains, were to be partnered up randomly and train together as a way to study one another's techniques, as well as give each other advice for improvement.

charmy had been eating loads of food on her way here. she wasn't going to listen to the announcer until she heard her name get called. as she was eating, she looked out in the distance and saw her beloved meal saving prince. la, he looks as handsome as always, she thought.

out of the swarm of names being called, it was finally charmy's name that had been announced. hearing her name, she stopped eating for a moment. she wanted to be able to hear her partner's name clearly. she didn't really mind who her partner would be, she just wanted to get this over with so she could continue devouring yummy foods. at the same time, she was still curious to know who it would be.

"charmy pappitson of the black bulls, along with.. yuno grinberryall of the golden dawn!" the announcer spoke.

YUNO?!?!? as in, MY yuno?! charmy could not believe her ears. did she mishear? was this a dream? if so, she needed to wake up now!

yuno didn't really give a major reaction of excitement, but he didn't give a disgusted one, either. he gave a calm, blank face and was just ready to get into action.

something seemed fishy about this pairing, though. back when charmy sat on the wizard king's lap, she had mentioned before that she thought yuno was really handsome and cool. just looking at him in action made her go crazy cheering for him. hm..

it seemed almost like the wizard king's intentions with charmy and yuno were a bit.. different. it were as if he was aware of charmy's feelings towards yuno that made him decide to pair the two together. yuno was just his usual oblivious self and saw this as training, nothing more. meanwhile, charmy was turning red and feeling nervous but, excited too. getting to train with her meal saving prince? a blessing from the food gods, she thought. nothing could be more perfect. and just her luck, yuno had apparently left bell inside of his grimiore in order to better enhance his magic spells without her being out. one less problem. a blessing indeed!

"i guess it's me and you, yuno! la~" charmy blushed as she rubbed her neck.

"yeah, it would appear so" yuno said as he looked down at charmy, giving her a small smile.

charmy's heart could've exploded from that tiny smile alone. she felt so hyped to be on the same team as yuno, she could faint.

"w-we got this, yuno. and once we are finished, i'll treat you to some of my best meals!" she smiled.


after a few hours, everybody had completed their training. the wizard king granted everyone permission to leave and head back to their squad's bases. charmy was walking beside yuno and she had not stopped blushing once since the start of their training together. she was munching on some sweets and yuno was eating a huge cupcake charmy prepared for him.

"it's amazing. thank you" yuno said to charmy. he really did enjoy the cupcake.

he said it was amazing!!! charmy thought, i could cook for you forever, my yuno!

as they were eating and walking together, charmy heard someone talking in the distance.

something about a.. festival?

"...yeah, it's going to be super fun! i heard there'll be tons of game booths, souvenir booths and LOADS of food booths, too!" the person said.

upon hearing that, charmy's ears perked up, like a dog when it wants a treat. she even began drooling. all of a sudden, an idea popped in her head. she stopped walking and looked at yuno as he walked away in front of her.

this seems like the PERFECT opportunity to spend more time with my meal saving prince! maybe.. i could ask yuno to.. she thought, la, he would never agree.. or would he.. charmy was a bit nervous, but she had nothing to lose.. except her pride. even so, she made up her mind and ran towards yuno.

"Y-YUNO, YUNO! WAIT FOR ME!" she yelled.

yuno heard her, stopped walking and turned around to see charmy running to him. as charmy finally caught up, she stopped in her tracks and began panting. she wiped her forehead and deeply sighed.

"s..sorry.. i just.. wanted to... ask you something.. la.." she panted. yuno stood there with a blank face, waiting for charmy to catch her breath. yuno was still munching on the cupcake charmy gave him.

"mm, what is it?" yuno said, as he chewed.

"well, there's this festival happening in town tomorrow.." charmy said nervously, "it sounds like it'll be really fun and u-um.. i was wondering if you would like to go.. w-with me?!"

there was a few seconds of silence. a few sounds of yuno chewing. charmy was looking at him as she was sweating bullets and her face began to feel hot. then, yuno ate the last of his cupcake. and he spoke.



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⏰ Last updated: Apr 03, 2023 ⏰

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