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I was stuck at work as usual when my phone rings it was Peter my old friend I had known that guy for 10 years. "Hey mate how is it going", I answered " Hi Angus mate your wife is admitted to our hospital come quick", My body got tense 😬 as I packed my things leaving in a rush to see what happened to Aria. I felt as if the world was shifting around me. As I was sprinting through the office I felt as if my heart was about to beat through my chest. Nothing felt right the only I could think of was Aria as I raced through the traffic jam making it to the hospital where I saw a beautiful girl sitting at the reception making me feel all love sick. I nearly forgot about Aria as the beautiful lady asked who I was looking for as I replied "Hey there I was looking for a patient called Aria", "What's her relationship with you she asked" as I replied she's just my friend and I could have sworn her face brightened up 💡leaving a smirk on my face. As she told me what room I had to go to she winked 😉at me it was as if we both wanted the same thing. It wasn't like Aria was gonna live forever she was useless anyways I just had to keep up my act of desperation in front of Peter. As I walked to room 12 where I saw a handsome guy sitting beside Aria apparently he was the one who brought Aria in I could feel my knuckles going red as the fire inside me was about to burst, how can another man be around her was she cheating on me. The man looked at me as if he could read my thought controlling my anger as I pretended to be nice as I walked towards him introducing myself and marking my territory on Aria. His face went pale as I said I was Arias husband he introduced himself as Landon but I had never heard of him before from Aria was she cheating on me with him as I was puzzling through the questions. Peter walked asking me to come out so we can talk about Aria's Health.

The End 😭😭🤣🤣

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