Sleepover at Finneys

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Once we arrived at Finney's house I saw Finney take his dad's beer bottles while he was asleep and carefully put them in the trash and then turn off the record player.

After that we went up to Finn's room and I plopped on his bed. It was so comfortable. I wanted to sleep because I was so tired but I have to study or else I'll get bad grades and I honestly don't have the energy to talk to my dad about my grades again.

When Finney walked in he opened the curtain and the room filled with light. The bright sun light shined in my eyes. I went blind for a few seconds.

Robin sat right next to me on Finn's bed while Finn helped us with math.

~After Finney Helped with math~

"I don't get it" I said to Finney

"It's a simple question" He replied

"But I still don't get it" I said back to him making him roll his eyes

"It's ok you're just really slow" Robin said to me

"Shut up cabezono! I'm not slow I just don't understand things sometimes" I spat at him making him chuckle

"Hey it's ok if you don't understand it, we can work on it later." Finney pause for a second to look at the clock in his room "Its getting late. You guys can sleepover if you'd like"

"If it's ok with my older brother then I'll stay" I said while walking over to a phone in Finn's room

"Can I use this phone to call?" I asked causing Finn to nod his head

After I called and talked to my brother for a second, I hang up to tell Finney and Robin what he said.

"He said that I could sleepover here tonight since it's raining and he doesn't want me to go outside"

"Ok. What about you Robin?" Finney turned to look at Robin

"I'll stay. I'm sure my uncle wouldn't care" He replied to Finn

Finn gave me and Robin some pillows and blankets and we both slept on the floor. I was really cold so Robin was nice enough to share his blanket.

All 3 of us watched a horror movie and then Finney left to go get popcorn. Finney came back with the popcorn and sat next to me and Robin on the floor.

When a jump scare came up I covered my eyes which caused Robin to laugh.

"Shut it cabezono. It's not funny" I spat at him

"You're right, it's hilarious" he said

"I hate you" I said to him

"Jeez you guys fight like a married couple" Finney said to us both

"Ew gross" me and Robing said in sync

"Can we just finish the movie" Finney asked

"Yes" I replied

We continued to watch the movie and once it was over we shut off the TV to go to sleep.

"Good night guys" Finney said getting on the bed

"Night" me and Robin said in sync

"Night cabezona" Robin whispered to me making me smile

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