Justified or Not

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I'm back with another update that I hope you'll enjoy😉

Chapter disclaimers:
• Mild sexual content

Happy reading<33


Choi Hyeon
4:57 PM September 16, 2020

The spectacular aroma of vanilla bean and strawberry delicacy spiraling from a nearby candle.


The steam which penetrated Hyeon's exposed skin, lapping at each pore and curling around him like cigarette smoke.


The pleasure-induced bite of his lip, the clench of his fist around her waist, the steady drip of sweat from disheveled bangs.


And Hyeon found it delicious, the way the feverish pace that had been established at once, tended to his arousal splendidly. Coaxed the sinful whines from his lips.

He found it delicious, her sheer curvature and unadulterated sensuality. The round of her hips, the dip of her waist. He used his hold on said waist as leverage, pounding into her fervently. So tight. So warm. So-,

Ding dong.


"H, you got it?" Chinmae called from across the apartment, likely overstimulated by the gaming noises thundering from his half-settled headset. Additionally, an active call between himself and his online friends was being relayed through his left airpod, per usual.

Groaning, Hyeon tossed his head back, beads of sweat propelling from blonde strands as he did so.

"Can't," he spoke, an audible strain to his articulation. "A little busy here."

Hyeon punctuated those words by curtly snapping his hips forward, thereby prompting the woman beneath him to whine unabashedly.

"Goddam-, Sang!" Chinmae barked, rather flustered. "Door!"

Silence, followed by an extensive and resounding snore. 

"Kang Sanghun! Wake up, you lethargic shit."

"Fuck off, Mae," Sanghun garbled, voice freshly awoken and raucous. "Get it yourself."

It was then that Hyeon sucked his teeth and closed his eyes with a piqued sigh.

"Alright, fuck this," he yielded at last, because someone had to.  "I got it!"

Squeezing the waist of the woman beneath him, the blonde leisurely drew his hips back. With his length now entirely withdrawn, her gaze was puzzled and albeit, discouraged.

"I'll be right back, babe," Hyeon reassured her, planting a chaste peck on her upper back.

He then parted from his sexual partner, making quick work of tucking his firm, pre-cum slicked length back into his trousers. To his expectance, the fabric protruded outward, unmistakably so. Because of this, he hastily slipped a nearby sweatshirt over his figure, adjusting the article to best conceal his arousal.

Languidly approaching the residence's front entrance, Hyeon settled his palm on the cool, stainless steel doorknob before applying pressure to its surface.

Peeling the wooden structure from its frame, he spoke, "Hwa, ever heard of charging your god-,"


Bonhwa's not that short...

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