just imagine this 👆 is how they were dressed lelz

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The Tally Balls sillies entered the kitchen and all sat down at the table "what's up Joe?" Andrew said as he sat down. Joseph, whom was already seated, began "Okay so, we rented this place because we only need it for a while since we're just performing in this area, right?"

"What are you suggesting Joseph? That we buy another place? We kinda used up almost all our funds that Bora let us borrow..." Zubin replied "no, I was thinking, this is their house, and we only need a place to stay for a couple of nights, so why not just share the place?." Everyone aggreed then went back to check on Y/N.

"Okay so Ms, me and my group have decided to come to an agreement, me and my friends will share the apartment, since we only need it for a few weeks" Robert stated calmly as he patted y/n on the back. "And we will respect you and your rules since this is your house." Andrew chimed in before everyone turned to look at him Before agreeing along.

"I feel like I don't really get a say in this do I." Y/n said to which they replied "nope!" In unison.

And that was how it's been ever since.

what if YOU :Hand_pointing: Lived with Tally Hall?Where stories live. Discover now