Chapter 1

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•DISCLAIMER• I am only 14 so please give me all of the constructive criticism and hate all you want. One Direction will get involved later in the story! So please be aware of that. Thanks!Please save and comment on my story! Please enjoy and no reporting!! Love you! 😘•

"Ms.Kirchner, is there something you'd like to share with the class? Or are you just passing a note so you

Could get another guy to give you their number?" My teacher to me as i just finished folding the note that Josh wrote to me a few seconds ago. I mean i have always liked him and this wouldn't be the first time we passed notes or anything but this time it was different.

Mr.Maltier never really liked me and he made sure that i knew that. "Um... What do you mean when you say another guy?" I questioned but immediately regretted it afterwards. "We'll everyone knows that you're the biggest slut in the whole school! What do you expect? I just thought that you were trying to get ANOTHER guy in your pants." Crap, he heard all of the rumors. The ironic thing is that he used to be my favorite teacher in the whole school. He was so kind to me but he's changed, ever since he got switched from my Pre-Algebra class to my American History class, its like even HE is embarrassed to even be teaching a student like me. This was the last straw and everyone knew. My face was as red as Rudolph's nose. My eyes were threatening to spill the pool of tears that was forming at the end of my eye lids. I tried to be as calm as possible but failed miserably.

I stood up, grabbed Josh and my best friend Emily (she was in the class but is really shy) by the hand and just walked out. I was officially done with all of this crap. As we walked out of the classroom, all I heard were fits of laughter and awful comments. The only nice thing I heard was from this really cute kid named Andrew. "C'mon guys! Are you serious?! Give her a break for once!" Then all of the sudden i heard the shuffling of what sounded like someone picking up stuff and then a door slam. By now we were all locked in the family bathroom that we had in our school. I assume that Andrew saw us go in there because about 3 minutes later, The door clicked open. Damn, these locks suck. Emily and Josh were sitting on the floor with their heads against the wall, hand in hand. (Yes they are dating and I have a massive crush on Josh. Hard life right?) I was leaning over the sink breathing deeply as I felt like I was going to explode. This wouldn't be the first time that I have been abused by my teacher. Actually the last time was when he called me fat and that slapped my stomach and laughed at my tired muscle jiggling around. This school sucks.

"Why aren't you guys doing something about her?!" Andrew screamed at Emily and Josh. It almost frightened me really, with how much it echoed in here. "What can we do Andrew?! You think we can controll what happens in her life?" Emily yelled getting onto her feet, almost ready to fight. She always was one to fight with EVERYONE. Andrew kinda jumped back a bit but stood his ground. Wow, for once someone was actually sticking up for me. I mean Emily and Josh are my best friends and everything but when it comes to their reputation, its like they treat it like its their own child. Since Josh is the funniest guy in school, he is pretty popular, and since Emily is the prettiest and knows every bit of gossip, she is up there with him. So you can imagine what they would be like when they are dating. -_- especially when you are the best friend of both of them.After we all just stood there in the bathroom in silence for about 10 minutes, Andrew had the guts to speak up. 'Listen guys, I know that we dont get along and stuff, but right now I don't care if I'm commiting social suicide by standing up to you or something, but let's just worry about Macie right now ok?" "Fine." They said together. It's like not only their heart's are connected together but i guess their brains are too.'Oh my god! It's not like I'm commiting suicide or anything!" I shouted at them.I was about to add 'at least not yet' but I thought that would be a little too risky. 'Maybe you should just calm down ok?' Out of the blue, I heard a huge bang on the door. Shoot, I think that they (Mackenzie, Mikayla, and Mikky, the 3 sisters that is basically the definition of evil.) found us."Open up Losers!" I mean these guys were like right behind Emily and Josh on the popularity scale so of course they hated them.I was done with all this crap and this was my time to stand up to them. I placed my hand on the knob and slowly heard that click as the lock (it wasn't locked, they were just too stupid to try to open it.) clicked and the door creaked open. The last thing I saw was a flash ofblack,red, and white repeating in some sort of pattern. The only thing I could hear was Emily crying (probably in Josh's arms, who might also be crying) and Andrew screaming "Macie! Can you hear me?!" Then " Look what you did you little b****es!!!!, I now believe in the devil! Maybe there are three!" He just kept repeating it over and over until all i could see was darkness, and only being able to hear my silent cries that rest inside of me.

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