~Chapter Six~

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"Mom, I need you to sign this quick." I was running down the stairs, holding my permission slip for the training camp at the end of the week. I'd completely forgotten about it over the weekend.

"What is it?" She asked as she turned away from the stove.

"Training camp slip."

"Another one?" She took the paper and signed it.

"Yeah, another one." I laughed a bit.

"No wonder your teams are amazing. With as much practice as you guys go through you'd better be amazing." She joked.

"Well, we're going to do so amazing that we go to nationals." I snatched the permission slip back and slipped it into my school bag.

"I'm sure you will, hun. Now go, get to school before you're late. Tell Kenma I said hi." She sent me out the door with a smile. When I walked outside Kenma was standing on my porch.

"Sorry, I know I'm running behind." I said when I almost ran straight into him.

"You're fine. We still have plenty of time to make it to school before the first bell." He said. I nodded and we started on our walk.

"So, how was the rest of your night after I left?" He asked.

"Wasn't bad. I played some games on my phone, read a little, and then went to sleep."

"You, read?" He looked at me like I'd just murdered someone.

"Yeah...I was just reading fanfics." I replied. It wasn't a total lie...it's just that they weren't exactly safe for work fics.

"Any interesting ones?"

"I mean...yeah, some of them were interesting." I said. He just nodded and the conversation died at that.

When we got to the school, Kenma went on his way to the second year wing and I headed towards the stairs. Doing the stairs every single day was really annoying, not going to lie.

I saw Yaku at the bottom of the stairs waiting for me.

"You're running late." He said as we started walking.

"Yeah' I know."

"So, how was your weekend?" He asked.

"Not bad, I hung out with Bokuto and Akaashi. Bokuto slept over the other night too. Hung out with Kenma. Figured out I actually might be gay. You know, just normal weekend stuff..." I said.

"Sounds fun, but back the fuck up, you? Gay? You know I was joking, right?" He said.

"I'm fully aware that you were joking, but it got me thinking and I talked to Bokuto about it and I really might be in love with Kenma." I said.

"Have you talked to Kenma about it? What are you going to do?"

"No, I haven't talked to him about it and I have absolutely no idea what I'm doing about it. Like, I don't want to ruin the friendship me and him have, you know?"

"Yeah, that makes sense. I wish you luck." He said before he dipped into his classroom. I sighed and headed to my class and sat down at my desk in the back row.

I was distracted the entire day. All I was thinking about was Kenma and what I was going to do about the situation. I want to bring it up to him, I really do. I just don't know how he feels. I know it's going to be eating away at my mind until I do finally do something about it but I just can't do anything about it right now.

When the last bell of the day ended and it was time for volleyball, I headed down the stairs to find Kenma waiting for me, as usual.


"Hey, how were classes?" I asked.

"Bullies suck." Was all he said. So obviously it was a bad day.

"What were they saying this time?" I asked.

"Same shit as last time. I'm handling it better this time though." He said.

"Who the hell are they even?" I rolled my eyes.

"Just some asshole second years. You don't need to worry about them. I don't need, or want, you getting into a fight for me." He said. He knew I was annoyed to the point where I'd fight them if I knew who they were. I have always been a bit protective over Kenma. He's more soft spoken and won't speak up or stand up for himself, so I did it for him if I could. He's gotten better as we've gotten older, but he still lets a lot of things slide that he shouldn't.

We made our way to practice and handed in our permission slips for this weekend. Still can't believe I just about forgot to get it signed.

While we were working on our quick attacks, Yaku joined in on the other side of the net, working more on his receives. He's a libero, so that's what he's good at, but it never hurts to get some more practice in.

Once the coach blew his whistle, we gathered around the bench just to be told to split into teams for a practice match. I chose to be on a team with Kenma.

"Of course you'd be on a team with Kenma," Yaku came up behind us, "Mind if I join too?"

"The hell is that supposed to mean, Morisuke?" Kenma asked.

"I didn't mean anything by it, just that you two are always connected at the hip."

"Okay, and? Why did you have to even bring it up? Why does it matter if we're always together?" Kenma was getting mad.

"I didn't really mean anything by it."

"Then screw off. You sound like a bully when you say shit like that."

"That's definitely not what I was trying to do, I'm sorry if it came across like that." He apologized.

"Whatever." Kenma rolled his eyes and then just started ignoring Yaku. Yaku decided to join the opposing team, thinking it was a better idea than to be on a team with Kenma at the moment. His reaction made me think of something though; What if Kenma's bullies are also causing him issues and harassing him about always being with me?

~Word Count~

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