Chapter 8 --It's colder than I expected-- Echo, Tech + Y/N

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Credit to Osokin on Deviant art for the drawing. ( 

The radio tower on Mygeeto had been a construction by the separatists and was now under control of the Empire, a place selected for its unique location and terrain. Due to the weather present on the planet, the facility had a large intricate heating and cooling system that traveled throughout the entire building in a maze of air vents. Some vents were sized differently than others but they began and exited the same place.

On the side of the mountain, shielded from the wind by the mountainside were a host of exhaust ports, pumping out air from the extremities of the base, and keeping the temperature of the information banks moderately cool. There were also a few large intake ports, which pulled in air, sent it down through a series of fans into an array of electrically heated tunnels which then transported the heat throughout the base. This way the information banks did not overheat, and the workers at the base did not freeze to death.

Echo utilizes his robotic arm to unscrew the intake and exhaust vents that Tech selected. Once Echo is in, you reattach the Vent with only one screw allowing it to swing open or be pushed out. After Echo is inside, you and Tech climb into the second one, with Tech lifting up and pulling the vent piece back into place, closing you both in. Tech radios to Echo "we're all in, you'll see the first location on your map," then turns to you and gestures further down the vent "We should crawl further to avoid detection, these vents are made of thicker material so it will be unlikely anyone hears us".

You happily start crawling further down the vent, glad to feel the air grow slightly warmer. You and Tech set up your location by sitting staggered on opposite sides of the vent. You sit on the side closer to where you came, in case you need to defend your position or crawl out. Tech sits on the opposite side of the vent, just to your left with a different style of holopad in his hands. It seems older, or at least very strange compared to the one you usually see him using. He boots it up, and starts typing.

"Ready for first upload" he radios over your coms. It echoes in the vent slightly, and it feels strange to hear Tech's voice across from you but also in your earpiece.

* * *

Meanwhile, Echo had a tougher time getting into the base. The exhaust ports were significantly smaller than the vent you and Tech had crawled into. It was warmer, but Echo was crawling along his belly and trying to make as little noise as possible. The vents were wide enough for him so sit up hunched over, but he was focused on following the directions given to him. On his wrist he had a holographic projection of the map Tech made for him. This map showed the ventilation routes he would need to take, key areas to avoid, and the data ports he would upload from.

The crawl was shorter than it felt, and he came to his first exit point. Thankfully the inside vent pieces were not held together by industrial screws, so pushing them out and putting them back was not an issue. Echo waited for Tech's signal, "Ready for the first" and then began his entrance. He carefully exited the vent, descended to the floor, and then placed the vent cover back. This first room was as he expected, large information terminals with data ports for droids. The door to the room did not have a window, and Echo radioed over "First in process, warn me if anyones coming".

He kneeled down and connected to the dataport with his robotic arm attachment, his vision focusing on the floor, but his mind conjuring up thoughts that were actually the information stored in the data portal. After his cybernetic modifications at the hands of the separatists Echo had become a living computer with the capacity to interact and process the way droids do while still having the human capacity to think 'outside the box'. This hadn't changed his position and involvement with the rebellion besides being transferred to Clone Force 99, but it did lead to plenty of droid type jokes and teasing.

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