The Black Cat

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(This is my first time writing well....... anything other than school projects so it may not be the best, feel free to give me feedback on anything you find)

[ speaking: " I like head pats"]

[Thoughts: 'I like head pats']

[Monologue: I like head pats]

(Thats all for now onto the story)

The Bus

3rd Pov:

'My first day of school huh' Kiyo thought While resting on the bus taking him to ANHS not noticing the commotion going on Infront of him.

"Hey shouldn't you give your seat to this woman" Says a random business woman who seems to be talking to a young blonde man with the same uniform as Kiyo. "Nonsense, why should I have to give my seat to someone inferior to me" The blonde person said

While this situation was going on Kiyo couldn't be bothered to even look at the situation only stopping halfway to notice a girl with the same uniform as him who also didn't seem to bother with the situation either, but she did seem to notice his stare which discouraged his gaze

"Does anybody want to give up their seat for this elderly woman?" shouted a girl with beige hair and is also in the same uniform as Kiyo. With the girl shouting this Kiyo's attention was brought back to the situation. Noticing the tension on the bus was a first for Kiyo as he noticed nobody wanted to give up their seat

Eventually someone gave up their seat and Kiyo went back to sleep, while sleeping he didn't seem to notice that a certain beige haired girl sat next to him. "Hey...Hello, you got to get up this our stop" said the beige haired girl getting Kiyo's attention

Kiyo did wake up but...... maybe just a bit to close for the girls comfort as they were about an inch apart. "Huh, oh thanks for waking me" Kiyo said with his regular poker face " n-no problem, lets go" said the girl with a slight blush on her face

"My name is Kikyo Kushida, its nice to meet you" Kushida said to our main protagonist "Im Kiyotaka Ayanokouji" Kiyo said in response with that Kushida left with the excuse of she wants to see if any of her friends from her old school were here.

While our lazy protagonist was just about to enter the gates to his new life someone stopped him "Hey, why were you staring at me on the bus earlier" and it seemed to be the same girl with black hair that caught his attention on the bus "I wasn't trying to stare sorry, I was just looking around the bus" he responded pleading innocence "Then what was the reason for staring at me for so long" she responded "I only just woke up and was pretty tired sorry if it made you uncomfortable" Kiyo said "Fine just try not to stare at anybody else" with those final words the girl was off

'I really hope the rest of my day gets better' The protag thought

Because our protagonist was so lazy he didn't even bother showing up to the entrance ceremony because nobody wants to listen to a person talk for an hour, He used this time to get some sleep in. As the ceremony ended people started to flood in the room and most people noticed their unconscious classmate but didn't bother to wake him up

Everyone was chatting to each other making friends except for a select few people, and then *swoosh* the door opened to show a woman in a suit "Everyone settle down, Hello I am Chabashira and i will be your homeroom teacher for your time at this school, now if you would let me explain the rules of this school....... someone please wake him up" Chabashira said pointing towards the asleep Kiyo

The person closes to Kiyo was someone named Horikita Suzune who was the same person on the bus, How lucky, Horikita took her hand and hit his desk a bit to wake him up but it was to no avail so she tapped his shoulder and said "Hey, wake up" but once again he didn't respond so in one final attempt she shook his head with a more annoyed "Wake up" and finally he responded with a weird faint noise that resemble one of a cat "Huh, oh has class started?" he said "Yes it is now please pay attention" Said Chabashira

'What was that noise he made before waking up? It almost sounded like a-' Horikita was thinking before she was interrupted "Okay now I will explain how this school works" Chabashira stated before she started explaining the school system but the author of this story is to lazy to put the explanation in here

Once the explanation was finished Kiyo went back to sleep instantly, while the classes went on like usual Kiyo was sleeping peacefully until "You in the corner it's your turn" said a cheerful sounding classmate "Huh, What's going on" Says a newly woken Kiyo "Were all doing introductions and its your turn now" he said "Oh, I'm kiyotaka Ayanokouji, I like sleeping and head pats" said the currently leaving Kiyo 'Did he say he likes head pats' thought the students remaining in the classroom

After leaving Kiyo couldn't even bother going to the dorms before falling asleep in the middle of a store, He woke up shortly after Horikita woke him up and saw one of his classmates storm off after not being able to buy noodles because he forgot his phone or something. After buying only essentials, one cup of noodles and a comfy pillow with a blanket

After leaving the store Kiyo went straight to the dorms where he got his dorm key and went to sleep instantly

The next few days....

After barely making it into the classroom in time Kiyo new exactly what he was gonna do, go to sleep of course and with his new blanket and pillow as well. Everyone in class wondered how one person could sleep so much but no one bothered him, the day went by and for Kiyo it finished in an instant

For a while nothing of much importance happened until "Yo! What's up Yamauchi" Ike said "are you ready for today?" Yamauchi asked Ike "You bet I am!" Ike said 'I wonder what's got those two so excited?' Kiyo wondered

(That's it for this first chapter, sorry if its short, give me feed back on whatever)

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