All Might angst

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All might was sweating all over, a scream was heard, a childs scream. Which made the heroes heart wrench; he ran to the scream with a smile, "FEAR NOT FOR I AM HERE."

He saw blood, not just anyone's blood. A child with blonde hair and purple eyes "DADDY, it hurts. It hurts so much daddy"  All Might's smile instantly left his face "Baby,why are you here" in a shaky voice tears threatening to fall 

"hey, come on we don't have to do this." The villain was holding Danuja Yagi, the daughter of the symbol of peace. "Awww~ look at this, i thought this was an ordinary child, that i was going to torture, but it was number one heroes child~."

"Please, don't do this. you can do anything just not my baby." The villain smirked at the defeated look on the strongest hero. The villain snapped her finger; a surge of electricity went through the child. The little girl screamed in agony, 

"No, Please i'll do anything just stop please"(his quirk is temporally disabled) "no~" another surge of electricity racked the little girls body.

This time thir was no twitching or screaming, just silence; the villain dropped the girl and kicked the child to All Might. He quickly checked the pulse of his daughter, Nothing. He called on the intercom that he forgot was their because his baby was being tortured " I NEED BACK UP AND RECOVERY GIRL RIGHT NOW HURRY." endeavor and recovery girl sprang in to action seeing the hero doing chest compressions on the tiny little girl crying his heart out 

"Come on baby you can't leave mommy and daddy.We can't live without you. please open your eyes.OPEN YOUR EYES DAMN IT. im  sorry for yelling please open your eyes" endeavor quickly subdued the villain and handcuffed him to te pole that was on there he was holding all might back while recover did his work "It's going to be okay. she's going to be okay." (endevor is nice in this au) 

All might woke up screaming as he relived the worst memory of his life. HIS five-year-old, his symbol of peace dying in his arms.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 15, 2023 ⏰

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