school AGAIN

12 0 0

josh is now going to be referred to as shadow

dj:( drinks rum from canteen) ok so we ready to go

josh: you do know you can't drink

dj: and I care why

shadow: fair enough

nitro: well lets hurry so dj can be smart

dj:OH FUCK YOU im smart just play dumb

shadow: so were taking your car

dj: yup

nitro: im driving


( at u.a.)

aizawa: we have new students so shut up

dj: heh solid way to shut em up

shadow: hello my name is cameron

dj: im draven

nitro: im nitro

shadow: questions

iida: Arn't you those guys that showed up out of nowhere in the usj

dj: no were some other fucks that just look like those guys and have the same car

shadow: dj enough with sarcasm but yes were those guys

deku: what are your quirks


dj: that was part of our agreement with nezu as of quirk we can change into 3 characters we main from the game overwatch so we can do what they can so as junkrat i can throw concussion mines beartraps and when fully charged use an explosive tire as reaper i can become mist for a bit teleport and do death blossom to rain shit ton of bullets every which way and as bastion i can be a turret with treads heal myself and turn into a tank or mortar (yes im using ow 1 and 2 things)

shadow: as sombra i can teleport with translocator turn invisible hack your abilities making you unable to use them and an emp pulse to hack multiple people in my area as roadhog i can throw a hook to bring enemies to me a can i can heal from and i have a scrap shot gun that can become full auto and push enemies back as sigma i can throw boulder to stun make a barrier throw mini black hole balls and levitate people up then slam them to ground

nitro: as cassidy i can danger roll throw magnetic grenade and use dead eye to shoot multiple people in the head as sojourn i can slide shoot a plasma bolt when gun is fully heated and my ult makes me able to shoot many and as  mercy i can heal boost damage fly to teammates at a certain distance glide revive dead Allie and my ult make me able to fly and makes my heals and buff stronger


dj: oh calm down big baby bitch 1 we can switch them from lethal to non-lethal 2 we were sent from our dimension here to fix how your society is by deity and 3 you all have to realize some time you have to bad to do good and kill for the safety of all not everyone can or wants to be redeemed some want to be evil just because and 4 if you want to say that why can we use them for self defense

shadow: dj you idiot we were going to say that shit later

dj: wait that was later

nitro: yes dj how didn't you know

dj: guys you forget i dont have my MEDS i got distracted

deku: wait you were sent here by a god


dj: is it really that hard to believe i mean nearly everyone has unique quirks as you call them that do God knows what so who to say there isn't alternate realities and different dimensions and i mean nezu believes us and we were interrogated by a person with a lie detector quirk and he said we didn't lie boom boom boy


dj: you heard me you want to go then lets ill show you whos the true bomber man

aizawa: we won't be doing that

dj: fine

uruaka: wait so a god sent you here to fix our society?

shadow: yes

uruaka: why 

dj: well easy if you think about it i mean look at me none of my stuff sounds like helping people i mean i use bear traps and explosives can turn into mist and teleport and be a minigun tank or mortar launcher my powers could be considered villain powers but im using them to help no body realizes everything can be used for evil or good and no one realizes words have a very strong impact

josh: well that explains why but don't tell anyone else about it they consider you or us insane and were fine with us looking that way but wouldn't want that for you

aizawa: ok take a seat( chaos squad sits down) the battle isn't over yet

mineta: the-re's m-m-more vi-vi-villains  

dj: no it kittens and puppies of course there is evil will always exist

aizawa: while draven is correct im talking about the sports festival



dj: uh can we be filled in on what that is

aizawa: its an opportunity to be scouted by heroes and hero agencies to learn under

shadow: so being side kicks

aizawa: train hard if you want to be seen(goes to sleep)

dj: hmm welp see ya later (drinks rum)

iida: you cant drink in school and your to young

dj: dude don't be a stick in the mud besides is it harming you no then mind your business the only person being hurt is me and because we have game physics it can't kill me or my brain cells the worst to happen is black out

momo: game physics?

shadow: means our bodies don't work exactly like yours we can't get broken bones eating or drinking heals us we cant harm our team and dj can't hurt himself with his bombs


dj: oh time to go well bye

(at house)

dj: so sports festival huh

shadow: yeah apparently its a really big deal and none of the things they did last year will be in this one

dj: cool well i say we should make sure were prepared for this

nitro: your saying that cause you want your guns to shine

dj: yes i don't have gold weapons for nothing

shadow: so what you guys think will happen

dj: ehh probably some free for all games then top 3 winners get medals then we do side kick shit

nitro: do we really need to

shadow: well considering we need all the info we can get for our mission yeah

dj: well imma clean my things make sure there good then hit the sack so night guys

shadow/nitro: night

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