4: Running

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"Mom?" I opened my eyes to see my mother's face all red and puffy from crying.

"Lana!" She embraced me, her hands stroked my hair and her lips kissed my forehead. I still felt pain in my body, but being in her arms made me feel better.

Without warning, she got hauled away from me and I heard a thud from her hitting the floor. "Mom!" I cried out and forced myself to sit up.

"You stay down, omega!!!" Alpha Richard shouted at me. He is Jace's dad and the leader of our pack. What is he doing here? But then, I realized where I was... I was on a couch in the pack's living room.

A bright chandelier hung over the large room, the white walls were almost blinding but maybe because I had just opened my eyes. Alpha Richard was standing there, and so was Bret's dad, with three deltas and two gammas. Behind them, at the foot of the stairs were Jace and his mother. He said nothing, only watched me.

I was shocked to see everyone staring at me. They never noticed me before now. What happened?

Bret's dad sat down beside me and wiped the buds of sweat from my face. "Little one, answer me honestly... why did you cross the border to the enemy's territory?"

"What? Cross the border?" I grew more confused.

"Asking her is futile, Fred! She is a stupid omega who has disgraced us" Jace's dad barked.

My heart rate intensified. "I didn't do anything... witches-"

Everyone gasped. "Witches?!" They chorused.

Jace's dad grabbed my arm and dragged me to the tiled floor. "Look at me!!!" His alpha voice forced me to squirm and obey. "You associated with those scums of the earth?! Werewolves have no business with witches!!!" His eyes had changed from their greenish tint to danger-red. I can only imagine how he would react if he knew that his son was there too.

"I-I did not associate with them, they kidnapped me"

"Where were you?"

I looked at Jace, hoping he'd rescue me from this, but he was silent. Will the truth get him in trouble? What should I do? "I was in the woods, hunting"

"Liar... last night was a full moon, we don't hunt on a full moon, you should know that!." Jace's dad sniffed me, but was repelled by my scent for some reason. "You smell like a human... what is the meaning of this?!"


He is right, I couldn't feel Mayi anymore. Something was wrong! My mom started crying in the distance, but I didn't look at her. I kept on wondering what those witches did to me.

As soon as the rest of them sniffed the air, they began howling loudly. And their eyes became darker with hunger and lust; this only happens when they smell a human. Sadly, I was the human. I am prey now, and it's just a matter of time before one of them aims for the kill!

I drew away from them as far as I could... I am in danger. Why is this happening to me?

"She has lost her essence as a werewolf, and is now an empty vessel!!" Jace's dad turned to face the rest of them: "She mingled with the witches, and in return, they stole her power. She is useless to us!!" Their howling grew louder. His nose grew into a snout, and his eyes rested on me: "She will become food for our wolves."

I scurried off the floor and ran out the door. They transformed behind me and chased after me. I prayed in my heart to escape them, but I knew deep down that I may not escape. I was a weak omega before, but now, I am an even weaker human with no wolfish senses.

I ran with all I had, but they were already gaining in on me. Their claws and fangs dug into my back, but I didn't slow down... Time is running out, I am about to become food for my pack!

My mom's wolf jumped in front of me. I stopped abruptly just a few feet away from her. She launched herself at me and I thought she would catch me, but no, she protected me against the rest of them. I was worried for her, but I knew she wanted me to run away. She is an omega and can't hold off the alpha for long, but she was buying me time. I kept running as fast as my legs could carry me.

I looked back for a second and saw my dad's wolf right beside her... My heart grew heavy just knowing that they were risking their lives because of me.

I finally crossed the border into a human town. The road was empty except for vehicles that drove by occasionally. They refused to stop for me, I don't blame them.

A truck stopped in front of me... The driver was a man in his fifties. "Are you lost, girlie?"

"Yes sir" I answered. He offered to take me into town and I accepted his offer. A few minutes later, he dropped me off at a gas station and gave me a few bucks. I thanked him and got off.

I was still shaken by everything, but I pulled myself together and entered the shop there. The lady behind the counter was a red-haired lady with blue eyes. She had on a uniform consisting of red and blue stripes. "Welcome to Ziggs e-mart, how may I help you?" She greeted unenthusiastically.

"G-good day, ma'am. I need a place to stay"

She accessed my outfit and walked out from behind the counter. She turned the 'open' sign to 'closed' and waved her hand at me. "Follow me" I went with her to the back of the store. "I'm guessing you encountered those werewolves, huh? Last week, my friend got missing and I'm damn sure those sons of bitches had something to do with it."

"..." I said nothing. Unsure of what to say.

"Here," She hands me some clothes. "These are from the lost and found, but they sure are better than what you got on. Where is your family?"


"Ohio? Virginia? New York, or...?"

I nod my head. "New York"

"Oh... You poor thing." She led me upstairs to a one-room apartment. "You can stay here tonight, I'll get you on the bus to New York tomorrow. how about that?"

I nod my head in response and she hands me the keys. I enter the apartment.

Our quarters back at the pack house is much better than this. An old couch with protruding strings sat opposite a flat-screen television. The smell of cigars lingered in the air, mixed with the smell of the wet rug. I took a shower, then I had some canned food from the fridge.

The next day, I was on my way to New York, a human city. I can't help but worry about my parents but I bury the feeling deep down. Their sacrifice will not be in vain, I will return someday.

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