Day 39

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-The Final Countdown by Europe starts playing in the background-

Day 39, 2/5/2023

Now that all of my Pokemon had Tera types I was content with, it was time for the school brawl.

After realizing that I would have to fight multiple trainers in a row, I gave Pugnare and Retro a pat on the head: they would not be able to show off what I had trained them for. On another note, some of my main team members would get to become new tera types they hadn't before, so I guess one new thing at a time.

The first person I was to fight was Arven. This should be easy. I then also realize I am extremely over leveled at this point: Arven's team are in their late 60s, my Pokémon are in their mid 80s.

I send out Alexandrite while Arven sends out Greedent. I set up a Stealth Rock, get in a Stone Edge and a Crunch, and then Greedent falls down.

While Arven sends out Toadscruel, I swap to Watermelon and set up a Toxic Spikes. After 2 Nightslashes the Cruel Toadstool faints.

He sends out Scovillain while I switch to Lucifer. Lucifer dishes out a Foul Play, and the chili hydra faints.

After a Confuse Ray and four Foul Plays, his next Pokémon, Cryogonal, faints.

I then sent out Leora for his 4th Pokémon, Cloyster. She one-shots it with Psychic.

He send out and Terastalizes his Mabossnif and I Terastalize Leora. She also 1-shots it, but this time with Dazzling Gleam.

Round 2, Jacq, the home room teacher. FIGHT! Heh, did that sound like a wrestling announcer?

Alexandrite sets up a Stealth Rock, only to miss a Stone Edge and faint due to the Arcanine.

Azul then misses but then hits a Hydro Pump, fainting it instantly.

Lucifer 2-shots Lurantis with Foul Play.

WaterMelon the sets up Toxic Spikes, and 1-shot Mudsdale with Flower Trick. While he's at it, he 1-shots Slowbro too.

Leora then 1-shots his Swellot with Psychic.

He then sends out and Terastalizes Farigiraf. I send out but don't Terastalize Lucifer, who 2-shots it with Foul Play.

The third battle was against Brenda, from the Psychic gym's ESP training thing. I asked her how her girlfriend was doing. She wouldn't tell me.

After setting up a Stealth Rock, I swap from Alexandrite to Leora, and 1-shots Falinks with Psychic. She 1-shots Halucha, the Fire Turos, a Water Buffalo, and Medicham.

Then Brenda send out and Terastalizes Hariyama, while I Terastalize Leora. It was also a 1-shot.

Round 4 was against Greeta. I was hoping I'd never have to battle her again since she nearly beat my a-

Alexandrite sets up a Stealth Rock against her Espatha, and then 1-shot it with Crunch. He also 1-shots Avalugg with Stone Edge.

WaterMelon then sets up Toxic Spikes, and 1-shots her Veluza with Flower Trick.

Sylvester then sets up a Light Screen, a Calm Mind, and then 2 Moonblasts take out Gogoat. After a Dazzling Gleam, Sylvester Faints from a dark type move from Kingambit. Lucifer gets revenge for his son and 3-shots it with Foul Play.

I send out Azul, and Greeta sends out then Terastalizes Glimmora. Azul then faints.

I send out then Terastalize WaterMelon and ended the weird glimmer thing just like on Day 19.

Apparently I've now unlocked level 7 raids, i don't think I could even do that.

And thus, my main play through of Pokémon Violet comes to an end. Starting 11/20/2022 and ending on 2/5/2023.

The end


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