A/N (another random one!)

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By the by, just so y'all know, the second-hand embarrassment I said I was dealing with yesterday was because I watched the final episode of His Dark Materials. ANYONE who watched the show would agree with me. I honestly didn't HATE that ending, but (MAJOR SPOILER WARNING INCOMING IF YOU HAVEN'T WATCHED THE SHOW, so don't read the rest of this unless you have watched it) the amount of time Will and Lyra spent kissing in that one scene was enough to drive me insane. I CLOSED MY EYES TOO MUCH, BRO. You should know that I mean no offense to Will×Lyra shippers, I've just ALWAYS preferred (AND ALWAYS WILL PREFER) Lyra×Roger, so... tbh, that ship had no hope of sailing because Roger died in season 1, so... BUT YOU SHOULD GET WHAT I MEAN! That ending, also, was TERRIBLY written, no offense. And, as a HUGE hopeless romantic, I believe the romance was to blame.

Will and Lyra should have ALWAYS stayed with the sibling dynamic I knew they had. Nothing less, nothing more. I always thought they were siblings since season 2 (and the beginning of S3), and the 3rd season ruined that.

So, that's why I (personally) believe that the ending of His Dark Materials was bad. I would have done SO many things differently for that ending. Like, oh, I don't know, KEEPING ROGER ALIVE FOR THE REST OF THE SERIES! If he doesn't have an important role, I could have made him one. Honestly, HBO (I technically meant Warner Bros.) should have hired me. If a teen can write better than they do, I don't know anymore.

You know, also, to be honest, one ending and ONLY ONE ENDING was WAY, WAY worse than that one. This ending is what I compare the HDM ending to most of the time. Trollhunters: Rise of the Titans. Who else is with me? If you haven't watched the saga (it's 3 shows and one movie) you shouldn't read beyond this point. Anyways, that ending was UTTER. FREAKING. GARBAGE. The movie was doing GREAT actually, everything was exciting, it was going well. Then, the people we loved started DYING, and in the end, the protagonist had to, sit down guys, this is terrible, he had to ERASE EVERYONE'S MINDS (and somehow restart the world or something) AND NOW THEY'RE ALL CLUELESS ABOUT EVERYTHING THAT HAPPENED IN THE ENTIRE FREAKING SAGA EXCEPT THE PROTAG. What in the flippity frick is that ending. It's terrible. I hated it. The ending with Toby becoming the new trollhunter is cool and interesting though. I would have liked to see that expanded. But THE REST OF THE ENDING SUCKED. It sucked lemons. And I hated it. So therefore, the ending of HDM sounds like a low-level crime compared to the ending of the Tales of Arcadia saga.

Analogy time!

Imagine both HDM and the Tales of Arcadia saga are presents. At the beginning, they're great presents, the craftsmanship is incredible. But then, you get to the ending. The infamous shiny red bow on top. HDM's is still quite red, has some shine on it, but some parts are faded and kinda grey. Because the bow is faded, you start to see "hey...isn't the box a bit faded too?" The show as a whole is a bit in a worse light now because the ending was so bad. The ending tarnished the show as a whole, but not too much. Now, we look at the Tales of Arcadia bow and it is absolutely terrible. It's completely grey, some of the bow is torn off, it's sloppy. But look at the box. It represents the saga as a whole (and by that I mean the 3 shows). It still has its glorious shine, it has decals, and it's still so bright. The ending of the movie only tainted the movie because the rest of the saga was so good. The whole of the saga isn't tainted, it's only the movie that's tainted because it was bad on its own. Now, to actually compare the two. Long story short, the ending of HDM looks cleaner bow-wise because the Tales of Arcadia bow looks so bad, but the presents aren't the same because HDM's is a little faded. To be honest, it's kinda different than just that because His Dark Materials is a show as a whole and Tales of Arcadia is a series trilogy followed by a movie, but the analogy still works.

Anyways, thanks for hearing my stupid rants. I just couldn't keep this inside of me and I'm still reeling with that. I hope y'all have a wonderful day/afternoon/night, and I'll see ya later. Luv u (And please go watch His Dark Materials and Tales of Arcadia while you're at it. HDM is on HBO Max and the whole saga for Tales of Arcadia is on Netflix). 🩷

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