Chapter 1

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Let's goooo😍😍😍😍😍

Wei ying pov:-
     I'm tired of seeing this wars, seidge. My only wish was to spend my time with my family. Is it too much to ask for?
   Im so tired of fighting, I'm tired of trying to hate lan zhan.
   While looking at the people who were fighting and then i looked towards lan zhan. My best friend, my soulmate, my companion, also my (not so) secret crush.
  I let my tears which i held back come forward and i did nothing to stop them for the first time i let lan zhan see me like this and i saw him in turn.
   I was also backing towards the cliff and i let my self fall.
    What is there for me in this world? My family is killed, i don't have any sect, the wens whom I saved were killed and slaughter like they were pigs. My son... My poor radish was also killed by this so called righteous cultivators. They even took my shijie from me they killed my shijie while trying to kill me. HYPOCRITES. They all are hypocrites.
   I was falling when i suddenly realised that my hand was caught by someone. When I looked up i saw that my soulmate, my lan zhan had caught me.
   I looked up at him and tried to tell him why I was doing this but what came out of my mouth was "lan zhan, let me go".
  But he just stubbornly held my hand more firmly and tightly and was trying to pull me up. And when I looked at my side, I saw my former shidi with his sword.
  It looked like lan zhan also saw this and i heard him say horsely, "jiang.. waniyin... stop".
  But jiang cheng didn't listen to him. He instead looked at me with hatred and anger and said(or more like shouted), "WEI WUXIAN, GO TO HELL. " while thrusting his sword towards me.
  Aftef a while i opened my eyes and saw that he thrusted it towards the rock that lan zhan was holding my hand on.
   I was thinking about why he didn't aim at me directly to kill me. Then in a flashing moment i understood everything. And I tried to pull my hand out of lan zhan's hold. But he didn't let go. Still tightly held on.
    With my last remaining strength i pulled my hand while he was distracted. And smiled at him soft and gentle.
   I let myself fall and prepared myself for the impact, but it didn't come.
   I felt a soft bed instead.

Bye guys see you all soon but I will miss you.

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