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    Staggered footsteps and labored breaths interrupted the silence of the night. The female limped down the hall clutching her side as she panted heavily. Blood continued to leak from beneath her fingers, but still she struggled on. Reaching for a door, her fingers had just brushed the handle when the sound of a blade splitting flesh and bone filled the mostly empty corridor. Too fast for the female to react, a cloaked figure had leapt out of the shadows and slit her throat. Blood splattered across the door and pooled around her prone figure. Then, from inside the room, a little girl's voice. "Mommy?" Tiny footsteps could be heard approaching the door. "Is that you?" The dainty footsteps reached the door, and it creaked open slowly, revealing luminous eyes, not quite hazel, not quite green, and not quite amber, but somewhere in the middle of the three. She scanned the hallway, but found nothing amiss. The cloaked figure was already gone. Preparing to close the door again, the girl noticed that the carpet was wet at her slippered feet. When she glanced down at her blood soaked slippers, the princess's screams filled the palace.

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