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SOFT MOONLIGHT PEERED through the gaps of the painted windows, the soft oil lamps littering each table along with the light cascading from the moon illuminated the quiet library

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SOFT MOONLIGHT PEERED through the gaps of the painted windows, the soft oil lamps littering each table along with the light cascading from the moon illuminated the quiet library.
you flipped the page of your book ever so quietly, eyes scanning over the contents before nodding to yourself and copying what you remembered onto your notes.
it was nights like this that you felt at ease, silence occasionally broken by the hole-punching of the librarian, or the page flipping from you or another college student.

rubbing your eyes, you glanced at the clock on the other side of the room, 11:03, it read.
you sighed, deciding to keep studying for just a little while longer.
your eyes slowly closed as you glanced over the diagrams in your notebook, as you layed your head on the table, they fully closed.

this was a normal occurrence, you would be woken up by the librarian, mr. poe, by closing time, and would make your way back home.
but today? today was different.

the double doors of the building opened loudly, shocking you enough to lift your head up and blink several times, turning your head to meet whoever had opened the doors with such force.
as your eyes met- it seemed like time had slowed down, or even stopped.

bachira gazed at you, eyes wide as he took in everything about you.
[haircolour] [hairlength] hair, which seemed to match your faceshape perfectly.
your eyes, your oh-so-beautiful eyes that peered over him, the moonlight shining directly into them and showcasing the orbs that danced with [eyecolour] pigments.
he felt as though he was being watched over by a million angels from above, as you squinted at him, letting your head fall back down onto the table with a soft thud!

he couldn't bring himself to move from his spot.
was this love at first sight?
he had never been to this library before, were you always here?
questions flooded his mind, his eyes still drawn over your form, even as you had already peeled your eyes away from him.
he was captivated by your beauty, your elegance.
he was truly in the presence of a deity.

bachira coughed slightly, shooting an apologetic look at the librarian, who had shushed him the minute he dared to make such racket, and skipped over slightly to your table.
would you think he was weird for sitting here? there were many tables left for him to sit at.

"are you going to sit down?"

he didn't realise how intently he was staring at you, nor the fact that he was simply standing by the edge of the table, drowning away in his thoughts.
as those words left your mouth, with you resting your head in your arms, he sat down across from you.
you took this time to reciprocate what he was doing earlier, gazing at him mindlessly.

his face was a little dirty, if not still as pretty as it would be without the specs of dirt, and his eyes weighed heavy on his face, but alas he still had them wide open.
his eyes, however, were a beautiful colour of butterscotch, it reminded you of spring, of the sun- would those eyes dazzle in the sunlight?
you shook your head, how weird was it to think these things?
you zoned back in on his face, his hair was dark, yellow undertones that matched his eyes perfectly, he truly looked like a golden boy.

his tongue stuck out as he plopped his- very heavy looking- bag onto the table, once again being shushed as it created a loud noise.
he grinned sheepishly, taking out his notebooks and a textbook, and then, lastly, a small book.
you must've been staring as long as him, as he looked back up at you, the grin still planted along his (very pretty) face.

"have you read this, before?"

his voice was high pitched, but flowed out of his mouth like honey, funny that his hair and eyes were exactly this colour!
he stretched his hand over the table, sliding a book over to you, cover face up, as you glanced over it.


"hm? I don't look around in the mythological part of this library much... do you recommend?" you replied, as he smiled at you.

your voice was sweet to him, he had to simply bounce his leg up and down under the table to stop from creating a scene.

"yes!- shh!- yes. you should read it, I liked it a lot. I just happened to bring it up now because it reminded me of you."

a heat plastered itself across your cheeks, you had just met this man, and he was already trying to woo himself into your heart!

"oh? are you done with it? I can go and rent it, I'll read it tonight."

he nodded, watching as you got up from the table, holding the book by your chest, and went to go talk to the librarian.
his heart was beating wildly, he wondered, where he got all this newfound confidence from?
he barely talked to anyone outside his friend group-his football team- why were you drawing him in so much?

you sat back down on the table, packing your things and holding the book close to you as he snapped out of his thoughts.

"i have to get going... but... it was nice meeting you...?"

"bachira. meguru bachira!" he replied, as you smiled, a warm smile that made butterflies erupt in his stomach, that made his earlier lunch churn in his stomach, was it uncomfortable? no, he loved every moment of it.

"ill see you around, I hope, bachira." you kept your smile, waving him goodbye before turning on your heel and stepping out of the double doors, each movement made with such gentleness.

and that's when he realised, oh how dumb he was!

"i didn't get her name..."


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maybe ooc bachira? tell me if it seems so

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maybe ooc bachira? tell me if it seems so...

DEITY ❜ m. bachira Where stories live. Discover now