__*__ Chapter VIII__*__

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Ivy's POV


The legend of the lady who walks among the mist, was a quite complex legend. Each generation would be told of it, through each generation to the next. It was a story, told at night, told from the Mum or Papá, to their little ones, to give the children hope and had came about by a seer. But most of all, it would be told simply to help them sleep at night, soundly. They would always have the most beautiful dreams afterwords. It was almost as though. It were a blessing from the gods. A tale that wanted to be told.

But that was just it.

Naturally, if you tell a story so very many times, the details became altered and some forgotten.

And, of course, when word got to the palace of the peasants speaking of their so closely guarded legend, they got angry.

It was a pity.

Anybody who had heard of the legend, who wasn't a royal, or had some sort of clearance, would be put to death.

No ifs, ands or buts.

End of story.

Here's the way it worked.

You knew too much, you died.

You see, this was what happened to Skylar's friend, Lük.

He was dead.

Big brother saw him die. This was hard on him. The two of them had been the closest of friends.

I knew from the moment he came home from the execution, by the fear shining in his eyes, that he would never be the same.

I felt it.

He was my twin, after all.

But no longer would he speak. He went into silence, moping around, dragging his feet, stuffing his nose in his books.

He had told me time and time again, of Lük and the Princess.

That the Princess, wasn't at all like the other princesses, for one.

Of how Lük and her were inseparable, and as both of them only children, not a brother nor sister for either of them.

How she had made them 'blood brothers and sister' with but a cut.

How they knew of the land, for endless miles each way, like the backs of their hands.

Of the extremely rare silver squirrel, the last one of its kind and that was his gift to her. Supposedly, she had an affinity to animals and could speak both their tongue and through their mind, in the lost language of the forest. Aww, sweet little Arrieta.

And of the fact, yes fact, not a rumour, nor myth, of their forbidden love.

But he was dead and sooner or later, she would have to realize that.

By the hands of her parents.

But it would be alright.

Little did he know, of my brother's huge crush on her.

It was, well, obvious. He had watched Lük and her train.

Day after day, after day.

He loved her.

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