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Charile point of view

Elena is on bed while I'm beside her holding her hand tightly.

Thank God she is okay.

I looked at the needle is injected into her wrist.

I knew her more than anyone.

Elena is allergic to peanuts when she have them she will lose her breath.

I noticed Elena woke up.

" Are you okay ? "

Elena about to get up.

" Hey, you need rest " I made her lay down.

" I.. am fine.... " She is about to remove her needle. I stopped her.

" Elena. Doctor said you need to rest for a day "

She listened to me and remained silent.

I still can't able to believe that Elena accepted me.

She remember everything.

Everything single thing about our childhood.

Thank God !!! She is not angry with me anymore.

And... The kiss we had remind me of the first time when we kissed in car.

I slowly placed a peak on her forehead.

I stared at her eyes for a second and quickly blinked it else I want to kiss her again.

I don't want to rush into all this things at once.

Elena till didn't asked me who killed her parents.

And where am I all this days ?


I'm working from home on sofa and gave a look at Elena who is deep in asleep I gave a look look at my watch.

It's 7:00 pm.

I have to give Elena medicine. The minute i tried to get up a sharp pain hit on my back again.

I quickly placed my hand on my back and got seated.

It's hurting again. Because I'm seated here since morning and working.

I handled myself and got up slowly and walked to Elena and pulled up the medicine box and got seated beside her on bed.

" Elena " I slowly called her and tried to wake her up.

She is so cute while sleeping.

I placed my hand on her shoulder and waked up.

Elena slowly opened her eyes she still look pale and tired.

" Take your medicines "

I slowly made her get up and rested her comfortable to back.

I took my pill and gave it to Elena and handed her the water.

She took the medicine. That's when I noticed the saline bottle is completed.

I took the glass and placed it on table and slowly about to remove the injection that's when .

" What are you doing ? "

Elena asked withdrawing her hand.

Looks like she is scared.

" The saline bottle is done. Let me remove it "

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